I, and all who sign in the comments below, formally request the following specific Updates/Changes to the game, at the next possible opportunity to do so (Preferably in the next 30 days.)
1.) We formally request that the Maximum amount of glimmer be increased from 25k to 40k.
-- Glimmer is a tricky currency to manage; on the one hand, Glimmer doesn't actually BUY you too many important thing these days. But at the same time, it's mandatory for just about all things to do with Improving Weapons/Armor. From unlocking Upgrades, to infusing one item to another. Limiting this resource to 25k has become a hindrance, mostly due to the fact that "farming" Glimmer, once you've run out, becomes a time-consuming pain that hinders your ability to improve your arsenal. A modest increase of 15k to our "Maximum-Wallet Capacity" would easily resolve this issue, while still leaving an incentive to be diligent in our "grind."
2.) We formally request that the Maximum amount of Legendary Marks held in our "wallet," be increased from 200 to 500.
--Legendary Marks are essential for just about everything now; from infusion of weapons and armor, to buying engrams and even materials, such as Spin Metal and Relic Iron. However, the "Price/Wallet" ratio is just terribly unbalanced.
The average price for anything bought with Legendary Marks ranges from 100 - 150. Some more, some less, however, we are only allotted a Maximum Wallet-Size of 200. Essentially, you will spend a few days grinding to get your 200, and then lose 75% of that currency in 1 purchase. And while we realize there's no "limit" to the amount of Legendary Marks you can receive in a given week, there IS a limit to how many you can obtain at a given time.
To specify what I mean: It's harder to come by Legendary Marks once you've completed the daily challenges. Unless you want to spend hours grinding out strikes, farming for legendary items and then dismantling them to get 3 - 5 Legendary Marks, you end up so worried about blowing your marks on something that might not be worth it, that a lot of people don't spend them for anything other than item-infusion.
Increasing the wallet-capacity from 200 to 500 would allow for them to be a more effective currency-resource for players to make use of, and being able to store that many would make them less "Shy" about spending them, and more comfortable with the knowledge that, "We'll always have more for later."
3.) We formally request a modest decrease in prices of items calling for legendary marks. -- 150 Marks for 1 weapon or armor piece is another inherent problem that puts a continuous strain on players abilities to make purchases. We would ask that a reasonable price-adjustment be made. To suggest a "base-line" for the amount, I would suggest that an item that costs 150 be reduced to a price of 100 Legendary Marks.
We, the community, look forward to hearing your response and hope you will take these adjustments into consideration and implement them soon.
Edited by nkool: 4/17/2016 3:44:22 AMSigned