originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]starts tinkering with my scythe[/b]
[spoiler]i'm making it where level 3 of my poison makes people have all the effects of the other levels, but it lasts for 3 turns and makes you blind. Plus i'm adding level 4,5, and 6(ONLY FOR ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY)
Level 4- You fall asleep in 10 turns
Level 5- You have all the effects of the other levels
LEVEL 6- All the effects of past levels but kills you in 5 turns[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I won't be using 4, 5, and 6 in the tournament[/spoiler]
"Oh you messing with poison i can help you there i got something that can paralyze you for like 4 hours its great stuff . Says leyla " *she pulls out a small bottle of the stuff*
I'll check it out. [b]grabs the bottle[/b]
"Ok there you go"
Your welcome
Ha. You cannot hurt me.
Ha. I can hack you
Ha. I'm hack-proof. I think. I'm encrypted. HA!
Oh well
Fun, but it won't exactly effect characters that are robots/automatons XD
I know.
We should fight sometime. Your character seems fun to combat, with his portals and all.
Yee. I still have more things I didn't use in the fight. After the tournament i'll fight you.
Cool. It might take a little time though. I'm going through end of the year testing and that shit is horrid.
I feel for you man
Bramd - old
That's the best part of the tattoo! You can still modify your blade. *You feel a pain where the tattoo is as it automatically etches the changes* That's the only downside -
Ouch... [b]continues working on it[/b]