Before you continue let me state that Infusion and transmog are two completely different features.
[quote][b]Transmogrify[/b] [i]definition[/i], to change in appearance or form.[/quote][spoiler]pretty much a "stylize" menu, kiosk or NPC allowing us to choose the armor appearance on our guardians regardless of gear the equipped. [/spoiler]
Transmogrification has been on the [b]TOP[/b] of our "[url=]community wish list[/url]" for quite some time. When will we actually get it?
I can't be the only guardian out here who would like to wear old gear while maintaining a high light level. Let's discuss how we would appreciate this feature implemented. [b]BUNGIE! We all hope you're listening to us about this![/b]
[b][i][u]HELP GET THIS TRENDING!![/u][/i][/b]
Edit 1: Over 150 comments and trending!! Keep it up guardians!
Edit 2: 250+ comments. Bungie, ya heard?!
Edit 3: Almost 400!
Edit 4: Reddit "[url=]bungieplz[/url]" has a similar thread going on too.
I think Chroma is their gateway into transmogrification. Transmogrification by definition is something that changes your armor's details and that is what Chroma does. They just need to take it a step forward by adding things like more colors, elements (have to subtle enough to not look like an active super), and maybe themed ones like Hive glow and Slime (kinda like Eris' eyes), and stuff like that.