I am a very long time loyal fan of PlayStation. Over the years not much love for multiplayer. But since the PS4 and new style of multiplayer, especially DESTINY, I'm loving the multiplayer games. I actually almost returned this game before playing because it's meant for more then one. But someone told me you can play single for the story but will not get most rewards. Well I've come to love this game for all its glory, even the crucible. But all my friends who own a PS4 are not playing DESTINY, except my wife but she is not ready and not sure if she wants anything but the story and we don't have two PS4's. So anyway I just found out about these clans and need friends. Also I love the clan idea. Again something this game has to offer that I'm loving. So if any clans are recruiting then I would love to join anyone who wants to play all the matches and levels I can't get to or defeat alone. I'm a respectful player but this is my first year playing. I've been on for about two months and almost a badass. I play alot during afternoon and early morning during the week due to work and almost 24/7 on weekends. So I'm eager to join and help kick some Taken ass.
I just started a clan called dirty diamond. It's active players who just wanna have a good time, make friends and get through hard challenges together. The golden rule and motto is rise together. Let me know if your intrested.
Sounds good to me I'll send request to join
Great man welcome aboard
I am also looking for friends to help get through the story levels and also get the things you can't get on your own. Be happy to friend you and do some missions. I'm a level 40 warlock with 280 light.
Sounds good. I'll be on later and I'll mark this post. You can friend me or I'll friend you when I get back home
Sounds good.