originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]I'm not sure how you got it. Maybe I can watch you when you sleepwalk and see where you go. It might have something to do with that.[/i]
Yeah that sounds like a plan"
*after many long hours leyla falls asleep but after a while she gets up and starts walking*
*she walks down an unused path the goes through an unexplored part of the forest. Then she turns and walks off the path walking farther in until she hits a cave and she disappears from veiw but you can here her talking to something with a very hoarse voice that doesn't sound human* -follow my voice... obey me....submit your will to me..- *then you hear chanting coming the cave*
[b]goes in[/b]
*farther in the back of cave leyla is standing in a strange trance like state. Standing behind her is some dark looming stranger that has all black on. It starts chanting while circling her then blows a purplish dust in her face* "
[b]sneaks up and bites the stranger[/b]
*the stranger hisses then turns and looks around but sees nothing. It starts talking to you* "I know your there human i can smell you" "So come out!!" "If your here to stop me your too late human i about to finish this..." *the stranger grabs leyla lifting her off feet. Then he bites down on her shoulder hard making her bleed. Then he drops her to the ground* "She is mine now..."*it growls* *Leyla lies on floor the bite markher shoulder bleeding through her shirt*
[b]Shadow jumps out and kicks him in the face[/b]
*it staggers slighty and it starts laughing evily.* "Your already too late her will is broken i control her now" *it snaps its fingers and leyla gets to her feet.* "What...is...your...command says leyla" *she is no longer in control of her action she open her eyes and stares at you menacely.* "Get them " *leyla starts to resist but when shes does. He snaps his fingers laughing evily. Then she screams in pain* "Will teach you to resist me"
[b]flys away as fast as possible[/b]
*laughter fills the air * "Thats right flee" "She is mine to control" "Now...obey...me" *leyla starts walking towards them against her will.*
[b]attempts to pick her up[/b] [i]I regret everything!!![/i]
"As well you should" *she fails when she grabbed*
[b]goes down and kicks you in the face[/b]
*his kick connects with her chin knocking her over.* *shes hits her head on rock when she hits the ground. knocking her out cold.*
[spoiler]is Shadow a girl or guy[/spoiler] [b]picks her up and flies off[/b]
*she out cold* [spoiler]a gut[/spoiler]
[b]drops her off by my Ship[/b] [b]waits for her to wake up[/b]
*leyla stirs after a while slowly sitting up.* "What happened why feel like i got hit by a tree" *she rubs her temples her whole body aching*
[i]You may or may not be walking into a cave with some creepy dude mind controlling you once you enter...[/i]
"I see.... " "I didn't hurt anyone did i?" * leyla sees the huge bite mark on my shoulder and winces when she touches it*
Barely me
"Oh on...im sorry... i caused so much trouble for you two..." *she looks at her hands feeling guilty*
[i]It's fine. I volunteered.[/i]