originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
And to test out this new launcher!"
[b]it flies down and head buts you[/b] [i]When Tubbs hears about this you'll be sorry.[/i]
-fires off tracking missiles- "I HOPE I AM!"
[b]Smaug goes in front of them and takes the hit[/b] [b]he lands and goes human mode[/b] [b]he grabs the launcher and snaps it in half[/b] What's the problem?
"Nothing at all. Just need something to..." -voices lowers drastically, the blue laser eye turns dark red- "...KILL..."
Have at it somewhere else. This Dojo is under my protection. [b]claws grow from his hands and his dragon wings come out of his back[/b]
"I'm not talking about murdering one of you. I'm talking about that damn bird!" [spoiler]This was AngryAssaultrons character. Not sure if you noticed. Thank you. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]oh ok[/spoiler] Leave it alone.
"Fine..." -the eye changes back to light blue-
Glad we didn't have to fight. [b]leaves with the bird[/b]