originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]on the ground he rolls shooting 1&2 where you are predicted to run at[/b]
His Mjolnir Generation One powered assault armor starts deteriorating under the constant firing. He then ignites his energy sword once again as he thrusts the sword into his left thigh as he then jabs to to the right of your helmet.
[b]the swing pops off the helmet I grab h3adsh0t's helmet and pulls it off[/b]
He takes out the M6G Magnum and shoots Lego in the neck.
[b]the shot rips through my trachea loosing beath I place a bomb between our stomachs, powerful to blow a tank open.[/b]
He uses his Jetpack to ultimately escape the blast.
[spoiler]a bit of a cop out[/spoiler] [b]all is left are plates of Cosmic iron, unharmed by anything. But there is a blue symbiote. It speaks telepathically and in Lego's voice.[/b] Well done, you've won. [b]Lego's symbiote crawls away[/b] [spoiler]if I wasn't so afraid I could have won.[/spoiler]
[b]he sidesteps the blade and headbutts you, hard [/b]