originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Malik turns one of his heads towards the bushes while still looking at Leyla with the other.*
*you hear laughter coming from the woods*
*He quietly hops towards the woods while still keeping an eye on Leyla.*
*leyla tosses in her sleep muttering* *you a strange voice* "Come...here.." "Obey...me.."
*It doesn't seem to be directed towards him. He gets low and watches both Leyla and where the voice came from.*
"Come...here... *the voice speaks again.* *leyla starts getting up but she's still sleeping*
*Sketch appears from the shadows next to Malik.* *Whispering "Hey Malik... What the $&%# is going on?" -A mark appeared on Leyla's back. It was shaped like some sort of dragon's foot. It appeared during the night and I thought I would keep watch... If you look at her eyes you'll see she is still asleep.- *Still whispering "What about that creepy $%& voice?* -I haven't gotten a good look...- *Continuing to whisper "Let's follow them." *He disappears into the shadows.*
*she starts walking through the woods* "Yessss..... come....." *she keeps walking through different paths the terrain changes as she goes* *the sound of laughter can be heard all over*
*Sketch follows close by in the shadows. He is almost entirely silent.*
*she starts climb a hill when she get halfway up. She encounters a cave that she goes into* "Come....."
*Sketch follows her into the cave. He makes sure not to leave the shadows.*
*she keeps walking deeper into the cave. then she disappears down a tunnel.* "Yessss.....come...to...me...." *there a hiss in its words*
*He follows into that same tunnel. He prepares for a fight just in case.*
*when leyla reaches the source of the voice. She is standing in front of a stranger all covered black. Its inhumanly tall and theres a dark presence coming from it* "Yesss....come....here..." "Submit...to...meee..
"EXCELSIOOOORRRRRR!!!!!!" *Sketch appears from the shadows and drop kicks the stranger.*
*its straggers and hisses*
"BEGONE FOUL DEMON!!!!" *He punches the stranger in the face.*