originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Sketch relaxes in a cardboard arm chair in front of his fire-proof cardboard fireplace while sipping cream soda out of a cardboard teacup. He glances up at his head mounted over his fireplace. A large two headed bird sleeps while perched on a cardboard pole mounted in the corner of the room. The doors to his cardboard box have been left open.*
*nukes cardboard box*
*His new and improved box is nuke proof.*
*this nuke was specially made for nukes proof cardboard boxes*
You nuked my box once. It's not happening again.
*nukes box again*
*The box is still standing and completely unharmed. *
*impossible, if my box nuke can't harm your box then reality simply becomes non-existant due to the infinite resistance and force of the two objects... the universe blows up...
"That's not how it works... And it's not just any normal box, it's MY cardboard box. There are no others like it."
It is how it works. This is MY nuke. There are no others like it because it was specifically made to destroy YOUR cardboard box...
"I doubt that... I haven't had my box for very long. But you know what?" *Gets into the box. * "Throw your nuke inside and nuke me with the box. "
*eats nuke* "I dunno why I did that..."
Cause you had the munchies?
[u]Po appears in one of the chairs next to you.[/u] Ey bby, what's up? [spoiler]Not Balthazar. Po isn't really a fighter, more just comic relief.[/spoiler]
*Looks at Po.* "Oh, hello. I'm just relaxing in my mansion." *He waves his hands, gesturing to the whole room which is made entirely out of cardboard. The room seems to be bigger than the cardboard box itself.*
[u]Po nods, looking around.[/u] Trust me, I've been in things that can get much bigger on the inside than this.
That's what he said [spoiler]that's what the doctor said[/spoiler]
*He gets up and walks over to a cardboard door and opens it. There is a pitch black abyss and it sounds as if some sort of strange wind is blowing. He closes the door again.* "I've gone in there. I think it may be safe. I spent about 5 hours just walking in there and I couldn't even see the other side. I'm not sure why that door is there but I think it goes on forever."
[u]Po raises his eyebrow, intrigued.[/u] Would you mind if I went in there? I love infinite abysses. They are always the most fun to walk around in.
"Eh, I'm not sure... I'm not in the mood to go exploring it right now. I do like to go in there to sit and think though."
[u]Po nods.[/u] What are you thinking about? I can't help but wonder what's going through that head of yours.
"Well, I may not act like it, but there's a lot going through my head. I'm not very religious so sometimes I sit and think about how unlikely it is that I'm me instead of being someone else. I also sometimes think about how unlikely it is that I haven't died yet due to some accident."
*forms in a chair next to you* That's a lot of cardboard...
"Indeed it is." *He sips from his cardboard teacup in a fancy manner.* "You are in my house. It's that cardboard box that sits upside down next to the dojo gates (Inside the dojo walls, not outside.)... What? When I would go into my box did you think I was just crawling into an average cardboard box?"