originally posted in:The Peoples Gaming
For those of you who played the beta this April 15-17, did it meet expectations of what you thought the DOOM game would be?
For those of you who played the [i]original[/i] DOOM game, what did you think about it? Did it have the DOOM feel of those great games?
Sound off! Tell us why?
I didn't get the privilege of playing it, so I do not know myself.
Yes it met my expectations true to its origins and played like Doom/Quake/Unreal. I just hope there are a few other game modes in MP like CTF when it releases. I loved getting to play as a Demon. I liked the level of customisation for the guns and armour and the emotes were pretty funny. I play the campaigns to so I am looking forward to that the most but I was pleasantly surprised how much fun the MP was.
I thought it was pretty nice. Just wish it could have just a taste of the campaign.
I like results. Too bad I cant see em. Anyone? Im not voting, didnt play.
Single player is my main factor of buying it
Multiplayer was extremely unbalanced. (super shotgun), but I found it fun, and I can't wait for the campaign.
I played Alpha and Closed beta, couldn't be bothered for Open beta, I liked Alpha a lot, beta not so much.
Felt like a mediocre indie arena FPS. Hopefully single player will be good enough to justify the price tag.
I didn't play it, but it looked like it was lacking content from the start
I had no expectations so I guess that's a Yes from me
Who let you out of #Help? I didn't get to play it either. I'm interested to hear what others thought, but for me DOOM has never been about MP.
Edited by Gomly1980: 4/20/2016 11:16:56 AMToo slow compared to the originals. Needs tuning up a fair bit.
I personally didn't like how it the characters looked like they were from halo and it honestly reminded me of a terrible first person gears of war with gun ho so I know what I'm not buying :)
For me, all I could think about while playing that beta was how much it reminded me of Halo Reach. Seriously disappointing that a Halo clone would be apart of the Doom series
I had no expectations and it still was let down.
I didn't like it at all. But if a single player demo came out, I'd give it another shot.
Didn't play it. :/
Edited by Space Jesus: 4/20/2016 8:25:07 PMMy question is, who plays DOOM for the multiplayer? I also think that people are judging the full fledged game too much based on just a multiplayer beta. We still have to play campaign, snap map, we haven't tried all the weapons, maps, or game modes. I understand not enjoying the game's gameplay, but don't judge the full fledged game based off a beta that only features multiplayer, we couldn't use all the weapons, haven't tried all the demons, haven't seen all the maps, haven't seen all the power weapons, and haven't seen all the armor. I have seen armor sets on their social accounts that look nothing like a spartan. I admit the game does look a bit like Halo, but it certainly doesn't feel like it when you play it.
Original has a special place in my heart
Oh, yousa Mentor? Must praise the gods. -bows down-
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. It was a breath of fresh air to play a game that hasn't limited it's mechanics to fit every other mainstream FPS on the market, and I felt that although the guns could use some more balance, it would be a purchase I would enjoy, both SP and MP wise. I always felt that DOOM MP was just a bonus, anyway.
If I do get it, it definitely won't be for the multiplayer.
Edited by Stormtroupe: 4/20/2016 3:25:41 PMWho the hell plays DOOM for multiplayer? I can say 2 things for sure. • I will buy this game day one • I will never play a single minute of multiplayer lol.
Edited by Lethenza: 4/19/2016 11:06:00 PMIt got, err, [i]hellish[/i] reviews on steam, but most of the complaints were "it looks too much like Halo".
Now I'm NOT saying I hated it. In fact I enjoyed it but I feel like it was missing a few things that were important to a game like doom. I can't quite put my finger on it but it just needed something to bring it back to its old school roots. Still definitely buying it though. I loved the hell out of the Doom PvP
Steam review's are bad but only because they don't want a franchise to evolve to modern standards and how a developers want to make there game. Well I for one would like a blow job and a bologna sandwich but we cant always get what we want. I liked it allot. [spoiler]I am hard and hungry[/spoiler]
It's not as fast as the original DOOM. It's still one of the best games I've played in a long time tho, I just wish everything was turned up to eleven.