May the Purple Ball have mercy on our souls. ( ͡°, ͜ʖ ͡°,)
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up...
52-Man Raid: The Fallen Rise
[b]Phase 1[/b]: Just a plain old [b]Randall the Vandal[/b] with a pre-nerf Gjallarhorn, 2 health bars, and quadruple-burn shields (Solar, Arc, Void, & Salt) for a god-tier boss. The adds consist of past bosses that the Guardians have beaten, such as Atheon, Crota, Skolas, etc. All Guardians are given a debuff:[b] In the Presence of a God[/b], which slows the charge of supers, grenades & melees, while decreasing damage by 0.04%. After you manage to survive and take down 0.04% of his health, [b]Phase 2[/b] starts.
[b]Phase 2[/b]: The floor cracks beneath you, due to all the Wolfpack rounds. The Guardians land in an old Fallen arena, and now must engage in 52 v 1 sword combat with [b]Randall[/b], who now wields the three exotic swords on each of his three arms, and he still has Ghally. Each Guardian must use the relic, [b]Exkellibur[/b], which is the only weapon that can damage [b]Randall[/b] in [b]Phase 2[/b], due to the buff: [b]Purple Ball's Blessing[/b]. Each of the 52 Guardians must fight [b]Randall[/b] and land one hit before passing on the relic to the next Guardian. After 52 hits have been landed with [b]Exkellibur[/b], [b]Phase 3[/b] starts.
[b]Phase 3[/b]: After being knocked down for the first time in 1000 years, [b]Randall[/b] unleashes his full might. The [b]Kell of Kell of Kells[/b] ditches the swords and quadruple-wields Y10 Gjallarhorn while having two shoulder-mounted Ghallys along with a back- mounted Ghally. Meanwhile, with Hive dark magic, he summons a tank made out of the corpse of [b]Atheon[/b] with 10 Ghallys, and the tank is riding on [b]Xylar the Timeless[/b] while [b]Xylar[/b] pilots a [b]Deej[/b] mecha. Naturally, he can warp reality, manipulate space & time, and is now basically the god of the universe. The Guardians are left with 2 choices: wipe and hope they're able to go back to orbit, or pray that [b]Randall[/b] is merciful and join him and the [b]Purple Ball[/b] as they work to start a new Golden Age.
I'm ready for him!