1.A great story with a lot of places to go.(more areas and more cities that feel alive)
2.Interaction with people living/working at the tower. (More side quests)
4. More cut scenes
5. Connection based matchmaking for trials.
6. The possibility to go in trials alone.
7. Bosses that are not the same in size or are not only a gigantic imitation of a normal minion (giant acolyte, giant knight, giant shank, giant servitor) We want bosses that are only bosses.
8. Healing abilities
9. Matchmaking for nightfalls
10. Famous destiny players or embassadors represented at the tower. (Guardian Radio, Crucible Radio, Luckyyy and Buttwipe, Marc Turcotte, Byf and etc.
11. 1 raid, 3 strikes and 7 missions every three month.
Damn right!!!