originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The deity flies down[/b]
Yo kid! We need to-
....who the hell is this guy?
*Aims my Gunblade at Cole* "Cole Anderson, a killer."
[b]He stares at you, then him, then back to you[/b] ....your point.....I'm...I'm waiting for it. Seriously what did he do.
"He Murdered dojo members in the past"
[b]The deity is still waiting for a "good point." He crosses his arms. And stares blankly at you.[/b]
"Forget about it, what did you need?."
[b]Cole is fighting the turrets with no hope of winning now[/b] You know, I forget. I kind of just...hehehe...I just...hahahahaha! Oh man, did he seriously just try that? I think I'd rather just watch this clown try to live. Ha! Got any chips?
*Tosses a bag.* "Yup, here ya go."
Fantastic! [b]He snaps his fingers as two lawn chairs unfold. He sits down and pulls out a bag of chips. He tosses you one as well.[/b] Sit! This will...hahahahaha! Wow...better then comedy fu[i]c[/i]king central!
*catches the bag and sits down* "Agreed."
[b]The deity sits back down from yelling at Tesuto to "crank those puppies to eleven." [/b] [b]Coles car flips over[/b] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow! Now it's better then freaking Nitro Circus!
"So you said we needed to do something?"
.....right....ya....uh. Just. Don't ruin the moment ok? Let's talk about it later. [b]He snaps his fingers and throws you a beer[/b]
*Caches it, opening the can and drinking some* "Alright man, just let me know."