originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
I can get annoying sometimes.. *sits down and covers face with hands to hide tears*
"Oh hey now dont cry" *serenity sits down next to you and pats your head"
I-I'm not crying..! *obviously crying*
"Shhh its okay" *then leyla walks and sees you two* "Nice going big sis why did you make her cry?"
B-But what if it's not ok..? I'm gonna be alone forever.. *look up and face is red from tears*
*leyla sits at your other side and hands you a tissue* "You are never alone" "We're your friends aren't we? " "As long as you have friends your never alone" "You wanna hug?"
*grabs tissue, and blows nose* I-I guess that's true.. Thanks..
"Your very welcome
*stands up* Well.. I'm going to my.. "House" See ya. *walks off*
"Okay if you ever want to find us we are almost always near the lake"
Got it.
*shudders* i don't have a good history with water...
You know. Used to be a machine?
It's very complicated..
"How so.."?
Like, complicated that i don't even know what happened.
Oh ok?
Yeaaah... *awkwardly stands there* Uhm.. Look at the time! I gotta go! ^~^
"Okay bye?
*runs off* Jeez.. That was kinda awkward..
"What just happened?" *they stand there confused* "Oh well"
*sighs and walks to hangar*
"Well sis lets head to the lake" *they both walk down the path to the lake*