originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Well... You'll be safe from a full possession.. That I promise. But doesn't mean it won't be painful.. I need assurance of its return to me...[/b]
[spoiler]nahhhh. Venom could hop from host to host. Hahaha. [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]whatever you say.[/spoiler] I promise. In fact, take this while I use this sword *I hand you a silver throwing knife. On the side, there is an engraving filled with dried blood, reading: "Do not forget those that hurt you" That there, that is my favorite throwing knife. That has gotten a lot of use out of it, and You shall hold it while I try this out. Kinda like a deposit. -
[b]Very well. Good luck. [/b] *She grabs the knife and hands you the spear. Showing you how to flick the latch on the butt end to split the staff in half. And to twist the spearhead off to reveal the blade.*
Bramd - old
That is cool. *soaks in all the information* I can feel it trying to get into me... But it can't. That's one of the perks of being an ex god of the underworld! *Looks around* Yeah, that's one of em! -
Edited by Doos: 4/20/2016 2:15:36 PM[spoiler]It's not of the underworld. The shadow realm has it's own demons. And it's own deities/gods. Given enough time and it will get in. Promise. It can't stay. But it will force it's way in. [/spoiler] [b]So what now?[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Got it[/spoiler] I... Guess that I will try using it in one of my fights. -
[b]Let me know later! I'd love to see the action![/b]
Bramd - old
[url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/201154081?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1[/url] -
? Huh?
Bramd - old
*pertains to the "trial run" sword