Bramd - old
I'm simply complimenting you on your thought process; you have some valid points... But I don't think it's best to relay them here -
Bramd - old
In what way? I'm just saying that people like this stuff, and it's best not to intrude on one's opinion. -
Opinions are opinions, can easily change or forever stained.
Bramd - old
yes, and everybody here... Everyone here has the opinion that this place is fun stained into their minds. It's best not to really question that stuff They like it -
So, blissful ignorance.. Is what you're saying?
Bramd - old
More of a passion for this, I guess. I got roped into this a few months ago, and has really helped my communication skills. Like I said... My jokes are odd... But they sucked before I joined this, so... It is kind of good? Again, an opinion. -
An opinion or experience?
Bramd - old
A little bit of both. -
There can only be one.
Bramd - old
Well... Opinion that I like this thread. Experience because it helped with communication. -