Say "beer can" in a British accent. I just taught you how to say "bacon" in a Jamaican accent.
This is hilarious! 😂 [spoiler]10/10[/spoiler]
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler][quote] Because you opened this. you will get kissed on Friday by the person you love or like. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Do not break this chain. You have 2 minutes this is not a fake...apparently. Forward this to 15 people in the next 15 minutes and you WILL have the best day of your life tomorrow. You're number one crush will either KISS, ask you out, or call you. If you break this chain, the little girl named Kaitlyn who died 2 years ago on a car crash will be in your room TONIGHT! Good luck <<3, and your time starts, right know No Cheatin[/quote][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
I shower naked
[b] [/b]
If you say reported backwards it sounds like muted.
Thats actually the name of Jesus's twin [spoiler]how do you think they pulled off the resurrection?[/spoiler]
[quote]#Sesuj[/quote] [quote]Sesuj[/quote] [quote]Ses[/quote] [quote]Juses[/quote]
I just laughed way too hard when I realized "help" backwards is "pleh"
Did you know if you say" rise up lights" kinda quick sounds like "razor blades" in an Australian accent....
Ya'll need sausage
"A nut for a jar of tuna"
Susej. Sooosegggg. •__________• Op is right... WTF MY LIFE IS A LIE!!!! [spoiler]so's jesus.[/spoiler]
u got that from ifunny
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
Who wants a fresh Jesus loaf? -
kek pot
Sounds like if Dr.Seuss was a weaboo and had a katana collection.susej=Seuss edge.(no offense to the weaboos)
Edited by Peg Leg Creg: 4/22/2016 2:10:30 AMTehporpahtor rotheprophet
Susej [i](sausage)[/i]. [b]He is correct*.[/b] *I never bothered to notice it, but here's another: Derp is preD, Rotaderp is Predator. ...[i][Disintegrates].[/i]
Watch fellowship of the ring. Wait for scene not too far in where gandalf blows a smoke boat. Pay close attention to his mouth. He says sausage.
I chuckled.