So right now thru pve I'm using zhalo supercell. A beast for strikes and pretty good in coe/poe. But i wanna change my game up a bit. What are some recommendations.
Right now i have
Red death
Suros regime
The villainy with a decent roll
Final duty with a semi decent roll.
I never bought bad juju and I wish I did since I started playing voidwalker. But what else would be fun. I grew tired of scouts and burned my hung jury. Any thought appreciated.
Give hand cannons a shot if you want to really image things up. They take a unique approach, so it makes everything feel different.
Hawkmoon is fun. Im really liking my new shadow price and soulstealers claw as well.
I take it you don't like hand cannons?
Honestly my only go to weapon in PvE is Bad Juju. I guess if you're on PS4 then Jade Rabbit is a decent gun but you said you were over scouts but really they are the best for PvE.
Grab a pulse with outlaw and go crazy.
Only thing I use pve is hung jury or doctrine. That's all you need really.
Anything works
If you like scouts get hung jury from dead orbit. The vendor version is a beast
I just got the final duty and have been having fun with it. That being said i usually carry 6 primaries at a time. Dependant on mood. I might have used universal remote/ Queens shotgun/ sword while on heroics. My opinion is invalid.
Edited by Guardian2977: 4/21/2016 4:01:11 PMThe raid pulse is a beast. It may have a stronger recoil, but the pattern is very predictable. Get firefly on it and you'll be wrecking. Hung Jury, Not Like the Others, Suros DIS, Treads (RNG luck really needed) are all excellent primaries that don't use up an exotic slot. But if I had to pick, I'd use the Smite of Meraine raid pulse. Just try it. You won't be disappointed. It really is a powerful PVE weapon. Historically I have hated pulse rifles, but the smite completely changed my opinion.
If you like pulses I'd try a Lyulmilda from the gunsmith the roll this week is good not godly but its been buffed
I wouldn't personally use any of the four guns you mentioned (5 if you include zhalo). Most people will recommend the hung jury scout rifle. I personally use the bad juju and my Tuolena SR4.
Sleeper Simulant is underrated. Fusion rifles didn't get a special ammo nerf and will melt majors and do a healthy bit of damage to bosses.
Imago loop is alot of fun and works great. But I realize that alot of people don't have one with good rolls. Bad juju is solid, no time to explain is alot of fun too.
Crucible vendor hakke auto rifle is a great PvE auto rifle. Crowd control and lots of stability. Just discovered it
I almost exclusively use Raze Lighter. Only exceptions are raid and elemental burns.
For a legendary primary (if you like pulse rifles I don't I still use the hung jury) I'd recommend smite of merain with either firefly or life support don't use the other perks they're trash but for your exotic primary stick with zhalo that thing is a beast mowing through trash mobs if you wanna know what I mean go through the abyss on CE
Edited by OuchDatHoyt: 4/21/2016 3:31:23 PMGrasp of malok is worth the grind. It has become my go to pulse over a God roll hawksaw.
Hawkmoon is amazing. Monte carlo. Dragons breath is good. Idk man pick your own weapons based on what you like not this "meta" based community.
What kind of heavies do you have? I like to run with scouts that have crowd control for easy perscion kills. Or for tons of fun grab a universal remote and go to town, hell just for the challange do U.R. and a fusion or side arm.
I use treads upon stars/soulstealers any sniper and a rocket launcher. Try out first curse, or any handcannon with firefly(except the trash raid one)
Edited by Spineshade: 4/21/2016 2:14:34 PMOf do I stick with zhalo, if it ain't broke don't fix it?