*im launched back and land on the ground* "hey lets se whats in your head, meantal entrance" *you both of us are now in your mind and i start wondering around*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/21/2016 2:25:52 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*it seems empty, except for a cloud of smoke in the center* *back outside, I see your unconscious body, and wonder what to do with it.* *an unknown voice in my head tells me to slaughter you mercilessly with the sword, but I resist the urge.* [spoiler]If you haven't noticed, I don't give up. Hell, look at my fight with Zane[/spoiler] -
*my body wakes up but i stay in your head* "you know what, i have to thank the god of personality and souls for creating me inside an already used body" *i use a spell inside your mind to clear the smoke* *the outside body takes a defemsive stance*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/21/2016 2:32:02 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*the smoke stays, and engulfs you, kicking you out* *when I speak, my voice sounds slightly demonic* I won't have it *Lunges at you, aiming for your stomach* [spoiler]I got the sword from another member, and it can possess the user, the only exorcism is to remove it from my person[/spoiler] -
"so you have a demon inside you" *he jumps up and launchs a holy light at you*
Bramd - old
*rolls to the side* *when I speak, it sounds normal for a moment* You'd think being an ex god of the underworld means I can avoid possession, but NOOOOOOO, this sword comes from the SHADOW REALM, apparently, I'm not immune to those damn demons! *head twitch, then I stab the sword into the ground, and a dark pulse wave comes out, tracking your position* -
"shit i'm not prepared for a demon" "heavens guard!" *the same shield as before appears and blocks it* *i pull out what appears to be a cell phone* "i need help bring your gear for de possesion quickly"
Bramd - old
*many more pulses flow in your direction* No. I will win *I leap up into the air, then slam down into you, sword aimed through your head* -
*it goes through myhead but the body fades and you are stabbed from bhind* "gods sealing blade" *the demon is sealed inside the sword with out a way to escape*
Bramd - old
*it is not a demon, it is the blade, so all the energy you got returns to the blade* -
[spoiler]be back later[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] -
"dammit" *i jump back and take a defensive stance*
Bramd - old
*I shake my head, then put the sword away, and begin using my normal sword, dark blue, green flames, katana/broadsword mix* At least now you don't have to worry about demons. -
"true but i must ask... what is possessing you?" *i take a defensive stance*
Bramd - old
Ah, it is but the sword's shadows. *you can see the gears turning in my head (only an expression, I am mortal)* I have an idea. *I take the shadow blade in one hand, and my sword in the other, and slam them together* *Only my sword seemingly remains, but the sword is black instead of dark blue, and the flames purple instead of green* -
"fusion magic?!" *i take all forms of energy into me and enter the perfect warrior state* "in this form my strength doubles every second!"
Bramd - old
[spoiler]god mod warning, try to tone it down a little, kay?[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]oh srry lemme change that[/spoiler] "fusion magic?!" *i take all forms of energy into myself and enter perfect warrior state* "my final form this is where i am strongest"
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Perfect[/spoiler] I'd challenge you in my true form, but it's off fighting Zane. You should see it! *takes out taser and tazes self* *limbs become longer, stronger. Three arms protrude from my back, attached to them, a mortar.* -
"great" *he launches multiple black arrows at you*
Bramd - old
*most are deflected by the mortar* *More darkness balls are being fired out of the mortar, tracking you, getting bigger as they get close to you* -
*i disappears having the orbs going past where i was*
Bramd - old
*they condense where you were, becoming a huge darkness ball* *as soon as you reappear, you will be greeted by a ball the size of the average suburb house* -
"alright then lets do something else" *he reappears behind you but is see through*