I'm sure I'm going to sound like a broken record here. But did any one see issues with Destiny relating to Party Stabilization? I tried login as both my characters and I can't set a destination when in orbit. The Launch button is red and a message shows me "Waiting for party stabilization...". After sometime it seems to timeout and I get booted out.
I tried the following without any success:
- Power cycling the Xbox One
- Power cycling my router and modem
- Soft reboot the Xbox
- Connect/disconnect from wireless
- Reconfiguring my network setup (Wifi)
Is this a server side issue? Or client side issue. It's a bit frustrating due to the fact that I was trying to solo play :(
[UPDATE] This turned out to be a problem with my ISP. They had some network difficulty with routing and it caused this issue I think. So I think everything I tried may have been useless. I just had to wait it out :(
I'm having the same problem buddy and as soon as I do get in. Bam contacting destiny servers constantly until I get kicked out. Pretty sure it's a server issue.