Your source is laughable. Here have one from a reputable international news source.
Your article claims there are only 8 islamic terrorist attacks yet there were over 600 in the month of november of 2014 alone. But sure 8 only have happened in the last year and im also sure it didnt account for over 5000 deaths.
It must be great to live in your little uniformed world where everything is awesome.
Yeah I didn't even read my entire article. More of a scroll through. As you can see, I don't really care about this topic all that much. Anyway, your BBC article states that 44% were Islamic state attacks. That's nowhere near your ludicrous percentage originally posted. I'm sure this was meant to be a hyperbole, but it doesn't necessarily come across that way on the internet. If you recall, my only claim was that your 90% figure was utterly ridiculous. Which it is. Also, was that article about the whole world or just the 14 countries from that drop down menu? Because you're post was about the entire world.