originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*catches him in the side and you hear a loud crunching of bones*
*the ironball hits one of his wings on back which crushes the bones in his right wing*
*hovark yelps in pain and launches forward then grabs you by his ankle*
*he yanks your feet out from under you*
Bramd - old
*I trip, but My wings keep me in the air* You okay? *I grab your head with my talons* -
"Yes " *hovark hisses as he pulls away from your grip* *he whips his spiked tail at your chest hitting you hard."
Bramd - old
*I get knocked back, but before I do, I hurl an iron ball at your neck* -
*he get making him stagger back he retaliates biting at his neck *
Bramd - old
*again, my acidic blood, more acidic in this form, gets in your mouth* Ouch! I thought you learned your lesson about that -
*he recoils hissing* "Nope" *as he digs his claws into your hide*