I have admitted that I have been unnecessarily holding off on getting my Raze Lighter, after the hassle that was Bolt-Caster I [b]REALLY[/b] didn't want to get sword kills in a shotgun dominated Crucible and run around the open world looking to materials. (Mostly because my Destiny connection and the usual error codes with for some reason only happen on my last-gen console)
But I managed to get it done, got the helium I needed and after a week got to the final step. I managed to get into a strike near the end ( the other two were in a fire team), but once the team finally got there I decided to message them to tell them I was going for Raze Lighter, I messaged the both about 4 times and even grabbed my mic to try to speak to them, but they couldn't get the signal of me pulling out my ghost and switching voice channels. So I decided to just roll with it and the strike continued, once we got to the DarkBlade the first knight came out and they slaughtered him. I made the assertion that they weren't going for Bolt-Caster, them the other one came out and left it alone, so they must be getting Dark Drinker and I didn't damage the knight either.
However as soon as my knight comes out they undo him. at this point I'm sad and decide to message them again, no response. I then kill THEIR knight and they wipe. We stand around for a minute but they still won't help me out as I'm helping them out, after about 3 times of this repeating they leave. I then decide to solo the boss, but as I got closer to beating the boss my connection problem awoke and I got returned to orbit. If they had only listened we both could've gotten what we wanted.
P.S. this isn't me crying squirrel tears on the internet, I'm sharing my Destiny experience.
P.P.S I own an xbone (at this moment in time i have no gold membership cause i procrastinate) and a playstaion 3 (ps4 coming soon)
I want to know if anything similar has happened to others.
Edit 1: Paragraphs, minor typo and added information.
Happens, if PS3, let me know...I enjoy helping others