Profanity level:
Uncalled for, unnecessary and with no proper motivation.
You are making clickbait, or you think that swearing is a contest to see how much of it you can pump out.
Secondary conclusion:
You look up to moreconsole, as he does all of the above.
Tertiary conclusion:
you bear reference to sexual organs
(You're a dick)
Nope, I hate Destiny, any Destiny YouTubers, and yes, I am a dick. I'm Irish, and that's why I swear like a sailor. Get your head out of your arse, kiddo.
And I suppose [i]that[/i] is why you have gone so far into the destiny forums, [i]and[/i] have a name not unlike a quip of a prominent destiny youtuber.
Am I not allowed to browse a public forum at my own discretion? Oh the horrors! And, just because the word 'bastard' is used in my username and by a certain YouTuber, you presume I watch his content? Good heavens, you aren't the sharpest knife in the press, are you?
You are [i]allowed[/i] to browse this forum. That doesn't mean you can do so without being a hipocrite, though.
*hypocrite If you're going to talk shit to me, at least do it with proper spelling and grammar.