originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]kicks everyone in the balls[/b]
[b]complains about losing[/b]
*holds sword at your Adam's apple*
[b]uses super speed[/b] [b]runs behind you and kicks you in the balls with super strength[/b] [b]leaves[/b]
*protects it with cup and throws a solo cup at your head*
[b]super strength goes through cup[/b] [spoiler]why do you think I used super strength[/spoiler]
*cup is made of valhite, almost as strong as cosmic iron*
[b]broke through it because i'm a beast[/b]
*doesn't work on me because I already left*
[b]works using the magic of awesomeness[/b]
*has no effect on the count of leyla not having balls*
[b]purple nurples you[/b]
Edited by VengefulSiren: 4/24/2016 1:22:53 AM"Oww" *she pimp slaps you across the for touch her there and then kicks you. "You do not touch me there ever" *she crosses her arms*
[b]back hands her with super strength[/b]
"Owwww.....my face"
[u]Foot bounces off of Balthazar's groin, breaking as he has no genitals.[/u]
[b]doesn't break foot[/b] [b]purple nurples you[/b]
[u]Your fingers slip harmlessly off off Balthazar's featureless chest. He stares at you, obviously confused. [/u]
What the... [b]punches you in the face and leaves[/b]
[u]The punch knocks Balthazar back a few steps, leaving him with a surprised demeanor. [/u]
[b]left already[/b]