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4/24/2016 1:09:01 AM

A message to all crybabies and in hope for a change.

First I'll start of by saying that all the problems that Destiny is facing right now is because of [b]YOU[/b]. All that "Snipe bullshit", "Mida is OP", "PvE sucks because of PvP" along with all the rest, is [b]YOUR[/b] fault, and here are some examples. Snipers as far as I am aware were the same as in Year 1, and back there they were no problem, why? Because we had weapons to counter it. Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Shotguns, Auto Rifles (at some point) and Pulse Rifles, along with other things. But the whine was so big that those weapons "went down" and now Snipers are overpowering them, Sniper Rifles lost their natural predators (in other worlds) and now are spreading. Because of nerfs, Snipers became the new meta and the way to go. And this is not only for Sniper Rifles, since you all asked for countless nerfs to alot of weapons and achetypes, now weapons that were left behind by the nerfs because they were not overused, like the MIDA, are now the meta because it's a good weapon that now can be better compared to others that got nerfed, and due to being overused, weapons like MIDA get accused of being "overpowered". Just because something is overused, it doesn't mean its OP. MIDA and Snipers were fine back in the days because we had other options that now are not that great or are burried deep (due to nerfs, like the Vex Mythoclast) and if it don't stop, everything will get worst and worst. And it doesn't stop on weapons, it spreads to Classes and Subclasses. People complained about grenades, supers, abilities, stats, everything. This made, is making and will make classes get nerfed to a point where they will or already are "useless", like Bungie did to Sunbreaker, is doing to Sunsingers and may do to Nightstalkers. And since those updates affect PvE aswell, which is TOTALLY different from PvP in terms of what is used and what is necessary, alot of classes are useless in PvE, like do you even see subclasses like Voidwalkers, Sunbreakers or Bladedancers in PvE? I don't (maybe once a week or in burn activities). Because of all the whine everything is getting burried little by little, even new stuff and it looks like people behind Destiny don't actually play the game to know what the hell is going on so their only way to "know" is from forum's feedback and since 11/10 posts are asking for some kind of nerf, they keep nerfing and nerfing and the game gets worst! Please stop asking for countless nerfs, if you can't stand a loss, go play another game or "git gud", just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it should be nerfed so it wont be used against you again. Also, if you think weapons such as the MIDA or any type of sniper is an "easy kill weapon", why don't you use it instead of whining that is so OP and must be nerfed? If you can't understand how the game works and learn how to play it and counter stuff, go away. If a game needs to be nerfed in order for you to get results, theres something wrong. A game where people make non-sense posts about everything on forums and that those posts end up making the game worst definetly shows that there's something wrong. Please buff Destiny. PS: The April Update made things a little better, but its [b]FAR[/b] from perfect. Nerfs are still making Destiny a not-that-great of a game. Also, sorry if I made any grammar mistakes, my english isn't that good.

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  • You don't know anything

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    • Snipers weren't the same as in year one-_- SMH. Don't talk about year one if you didn't play it lol. They added higher aim assist to the Snipers in year 2, that's why they became OP.

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      • Pve does suck now, that is thanks to all the crybabies in Pvp that cry nerf every time they get killed!!! I am sick of running out of ammo, and having to use watered down weapons because people can't deal with getting killed, which is part of Pvp!!!! I wish to hell they would separate Pvp from pve, that would solve all the stupid weapon balance problems. Pve players shouldn't be treated like 2nd class citizens to keep Pvp players happy!!!!

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        4 Replies
        • I still don't understand why people complain about snipers. To get sniped means you aren't playing smart. Snipers are the easiest things in the game to avoid. To get sniped is just a bad move. P.S- if someone is hard scoping, don't challenge

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          5 Replies
          • People relying on doctrine to win are complete noobs. It was nerfed for a reason and yet people are still cradling it because they're afraid to use anything with skill

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            • this hole meta shit shoulden be happened since day 1

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            • Mida was/is OP tho, snipers were nurfed with armor piercing rounds so why can mida shoot around corners with hidden hand?

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            • Buff Golden Gun!!!!!! More Time and Shots PLZ!!!!!! 💀

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              9 Replies
              • The message was long but I totally agree .. They nerf all the weapons and now there's none to match snipers it's insane

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              • Edited by Emurinus: 4/26/2016 6:26:24 PM
                I agree to an extent. Snipers weren't a huge problem except for getting the Unflinching perk being a possible roll. Mida was never OP; scrubs just had to git gud. However, PvE [i]does[/i] suck because of PvP nerfs. Mida got nerfed from PvP complaints, Snipers lost ammo from PvP complaints, Heavy lost ammo, Thorn's bleeding from the pricks that nerfed it, Hammers got hammered, etc. On the other hand, it's only that way because Bungie thinks nerfs should go across the board instead of staying in their respective gamemode. Now it's not PvP fault entirely, but a lot of PvP players do not think of PvE and how the nerfs will affect it too. They mostly care about getting to the Lighthouse or their K/D (or both). Bungie takes a look at those posts more than ones involving compensations for nerfs too, so it's also their fault (mostly their fault actually). Since PvP players tend to complain more than PvE players, PvP is easier to change, and Bungie can't separate the two gamemodes because of their stupid ideology, it's no wonder why both gamemodes are going down the shitter, but one's sliding down and the one's racing down. TL;DR, PvE is getting shafted, PvP players had a hand in it, Bungie is dumb, nerfs were unnecessary.

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              • True to that

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              • I agree with you to a point, but there were times ( not alot i admit) where the best solution for the sake of balance was to nerf something, best example when thorn/last word ruled the crucible, the ttk on the last word was unreasonable in relation to other primaries and some secondaries, and thorn ( in its prime) could set someone up for lethal dmg with only 2 headshots, the argument to bring other weapons up woudnt have worked on that problem because the game would have been to fast, the only option they had was to bring thorn and last word down a peg, but again i agree that most of the "cry for nerfs" are bad for the game and shouldnt be encouraged.

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                7 Replies
                • Mida is easy to use tbh I gave it to my brother on IB last month and holy shit train wreck happened he only has 0.64K/D (he plays hunter) when I play warlock and that ludicrous Aim Assist makes it way to damn easy to hit the target not to mention the ACOG Scope which makes it even more easy to use the up arrow on the reticle will make shot registering much easier than ever because even if you aim it upper than with normal scope weapons it will still register because of the 90 Aim Assist‚ Aim Assist on primaries curves bullets to the head by a somewhat big chance

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                • I really wish they would just wipe everything and start over as far as all the weapons. Crucible is boring now because everyone is doing nothing but hanging back and waiting. Run and Gun has been heavily nerfed in this game making it more boring.

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                • Didn't have to get past your first paragraph before knowing to just ignore the rest. You're wrong bungie is responsible for whatever happens with the game

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                  8 Replies
                  • Sniper players made a massive mistake of getting shotguns nerfed. All nerfs have ruined pvp. Point is if you get one thing nerfed then dont cry when the weapons you use get nerfed. Goes round in circles and the community dont understand thats how life works.

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                    • Sniper body shot switch to primary is the n00b combo of Destiny.

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                      • True. I hope they buff Mida and snipers so all the chotchbags dip out.

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                      • Bump

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                      • Good post. Bump!

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                      • I totally agree with everything you said. I used to like void walker till the nerf, now I'm back to using gunslinger. golden gun still packs a punch that is until some whinging dinga doofus goes, nerf golden gun its too powerful nerrr.

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                      • Good post, it needs another bump.

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                      • Great post! 95% of the people that post on here are the reason this game is stale.

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                        • Bump

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                        • So basically you're saying get rid of Crucible?

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                          9 Replies
                          • Lol. Crybabies tryna fix the game? More like ruin it. They ruined Mida, Last Word, Thorn EVEN MORE!!! Nerfed sunbreakers. I mean cmon

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