Just for the love of God, just stop with the constant pissing and moaning. Strikers were [i]SEVERELY[/i] underpowered in year one, and now that every other super has been nerfed all the way the goddamn gallows, you're now turning your eyes to a super that doesn't need a nerf at all. The most it needs is for shoulder charge to be looked at, at best. At worst it needs to be to be tweaked so that it has a tiny bit more of a cool down. That is it.
Rant over.
Edit:: over 90 comments and we're trending. Maybe somebody will take something out of this. Probably not though.
Edit 2::: just to clarify, the reason why I'm writing this is because I've seen about 10 striker nerf posts in the past 2 days. So you don't have to ask 'why is he writing this?'
[spoiler]ive had a really shitty day with my father being in an car accident. So if I respond to your comment with a bit of asshole-ness, you know why. My nerves are split, so don't take any anger at you personally.[/spoiler]
Edit 3::: holy shit, over 600 comments. Damn.
Edit 4::: I am not asking for a nerf to strikers. It was my favorite subclass in y1. I'm making a suggestion of it ever does come to need a nerf. *shivers*
There is no way shoulder charge is OP you have a sprint timer before you can even use it. It takes skill to get the timing down so nah
Sadly what you say doesn't mean shit to Bungie, in order to make a change to Destiny go to Reddit or be a streamer.
Strikers are fine viking funeral is op ;)
.-. No it's not, you're just trying to spark fights to make it seem like hunters are bitching again. Please stop ~Soggy
Lol. Strikers have never been underpowered.
what's wrong with my shoulder charge which by the way needs buffing...
Hope you're dad's ok Bro.also why are people asking for strikers to be nerfed I think the meta is currently balanced.just nerf doctrine
Nerf strikers!
Lightning nades are broken. Their radius is too large.
Best wishes to you and your dad.
I didn't even know this was a thing. Shoulder charge is annoying when used repeatedly in quick succession, but in all honesty it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that they potentially have more agility than the designated agility class and are tanks. Definitely no need for a nerf. Warlocks have their burn, hunters have smoke, Titans have shoulder charge. People just need to sack up and deal with it lol.
I don't even want to come back now.
Usually when I get shoulder charged, it's when I'm shooting at someone else. It's not about oh you let him get too close. I was too busy killing his friend and he ninja charged. But usually I'm a long range gunner, so I don't have much issues with it. If they manage to get close, hopefully my sidearm finished him off beforehand.
Only thing that needs change is shoulder charge, my friend was being chased so he I jumped then the titan used shoulder charge without jumping yet went straight up and killed my mate
Edited by mntydeadfish: 4/25/2016 6:54:12 AMNo class, as a whole, is OP. Parts of it are. Strikers shouldn't be able to kill people two floors above them with fist of havoc, while taking multiple rockets to the face. I have killed one striker using his super. ONE. I've killed tons of other supers, but one FOH.
Edited by Ciudecca: 4/25/2016 8:19:39 AMShoulder Charge is fine, -blam!- off to the whiny kids who say that it needs a nerf [spoiler]You're not the whiny kid[/spoiler]
Juggernaut is op
Leave shoulder charge if you are getting killed by it you are a dumb ass
Those community complain about all the wrong things, Hope your pops is ok
*Titan smashes the ground* *kills enemy player 20ft in the air* *Destiny Logic*
Thank god somebody actually gets whats going on in the idiot world. :D (Not being rude im aftually happy about this)
Edited by tiffjade: 4/25/2016 5:15:26 AMMake a poll for who's down for a nerf and not
Lightning grenades legitimately need to be nerfed. They can OHKO on landing, then do a LOT of damage with a LOT of range with a significant duration.
Part of me thinks shoulder charge should be nerfed - no one else can one hit kill without a melee charge or super active. Most can't even with a melee charge. Part of me thinks titans trying to run up on me to shoulder charge is cute because I'm a shotgun using scrub and the free kills are nice.
I check the forums quite a few times a day, i haven't seen any striker nerf posts yet.
Only thing that needs a balance is freaking flame shield. 15 seconds is not -blam!-ing short. It's long. And you get it without having to kill the enemy like Defender, personally I would balance it like this. Decrease duration. That's all. I'm fine with the fact you get it from not having to kill the enemy.