Just for the love of God, just stop with the constant pissing and moaning. Strikers were [i]SEVERELY[/i] underpowered in year one, and now that every other super has been nerfed all the way the goddamn gallows, you're now turning your eyes to a super that doesn't need a nerf at all. The most it needs is for shoulder charge to be looked at, at best. At worst it needs to be to be tweaked so that it has a tiny bit more of a cool down. That is it.
Rant over.
Edit:: over 90 comments and we're trending. Maybe somebody will take something out of this. Probably not though.
Edit 2::: just to clarify, the reason why I'm writing this is because I've seen about 10 striker nerf posts in the past 2 days. So you don't have to ask 'why is he writing this?'
[spoiler]ive had a really shitty day with my father being in an car accident. So if I respond to your comment with a bit of asshole-ness, you know why. My nerves are split, so don't take any anger at you personally.[/spoiler]
Edit 3::: holy shit, over 600 comments. Damn.
Edit 4::: I am not asking for a nerf to strikers. It was my favorite subclass in y1. I'm making a suggestion of it ever does come to need a nerf. *shivers*
Only thing that needs a balance is freaking flame shield. 15 seconds is not -blam!-ing short. It's long. And you get it without having to kill the enemy like Defender, personally I would balance it like this. Decrease duration. That's all. I'm fine with the fact you get it from not having to kill the enemy.
Oi mate the other day i saw a post saying nerf defenders and their suppressor nades ahahah
Edited by ImOnPlate2Guys: 4/25/2016 4:25:42 AMYoure whining, havent seen any of those posts... Strikers are fine. Also I wish you and your family the best with your dad, car accidents suck big time
I mainly play a hunter but if they nerf another titan super I'm done. Sunbreaker is near useless in pve and pvp and it's the coolest looking super (imo) in the game.
Lol i saw a post saying that foh (or fop) should take 2 hits to kill.
Edited by xKCz: 4/25/2016 3:21:24 AMTitans having any form of success in crucible? We can't have that! Nerf them, Nao! Shoulder charge needs nerfed, but Firebolts and Frontstab are completely fine! Seriously, -blam!- off.
Seriously their titans either grow a pair and fight or turn tail and run Signed a flustered warlock
Edited by Azaxx: 4/25/2016 4:12:03 AMThe only issue I have with Strikers is the Lightning grenade, compared to the rest of grenades in that class (Spike and Tripmines) it's by far the strongest in all aspects. It has the highest possible damage output, it has the longest range and has the widest range. If the range was nerfed to a tighter corridor and [i]mayyyyyybe[/i] a longer timer between each damage outputs and it'd be one of the best grenades in the game while being completely balanced. Other than that though, Strikers as a whole have a nice neutral game and their super is pretty balanced.
As a Warlock main I'm against this! They are very balanced and are meant to hit fkin hard at close range. They are TITANS !
Currently kind of tied between Warlock and Titan main right now, but only because my original warlock was deleted so my Titan became my next "main class" with good stuff, mained warlock all Y1. Personally, I think Striker is fine where it is. While it was okay in Y1, it simply couldn't compete as well as other subclasses in crucible that could easily get more kills. With the buffs, it actually feels pretty good. However, I still think all offensive supers still need a PvE buff. I believe the damage gained by using a tether or WoL is way above the offensive supers, and I don't want to nerf the defensives because they're meant for support, but the offensives should be more viable. They should be able to dish out a very large amount of damage at once or very quickly. This would put more appeal on the supers for PvE use.
It looks like your dad had self rez on thank the traveler
The only change to subclasses I think are needed is.... buff hunters for pve. I play all 3. Main a titan almost 95% of thr time but when I play on my hunter... I hate i, Nightstalker is the only decent choice gunslinger doesn't kill shit and bad dancer either runs out after 2 or 3 kills or I die damn near instantly.
None of this would be a problem If they removed crucible
Titans a fine! Sunbreaker however needs a better exotic. The only one is those ugly ass qauntlets that don't do shit
FINALLY Titans don't need a nerd if anything striker and defender are good as is (defender could use a duration boost but eh) and sunbreaker needs to be majorly reworked. I'm not saying put it back to how it was but now it's like not having a super at all. I'd personally like an armor upgrade and hammer speed upgrade (by like 25-30%) and a subclass specific exotic.
Edited by Darches: 4/25/2016 3:52:19 AMStriker is terrible. Most other classes are better in every way conceivable. Striker is only worth playing if you need the juggernaut shield for shotgunning. Storm fist is still too situational. FoH is still a crappy version of Nova Bomb, which is even stronger with Blink. Most Striker perks are incredibly situational or weak. Unstoppable does not work, even when used at full health with max armor. Shoulder charge is situational, suicidal, and often doesn't register. If you're killed by SC then you suck. Juggernaut is excellent and works as intended, but it's a little situational. The big tactical benefit is that it's basically anti-snipe in a can. It doesn't fix the class though.
why nerf them anymore tweaks and buffs, do you see league of legends nerfing champs to be not used? No they buff them or re work them
Who said anything about strikers? I'm sick of hawksaws...
As a Warlock Main, Striker is my favorite subclass, I just hate people who use FoH as a panic
Only thing that annoys me is FoH kills me when I'm far up in the air... I hate that. But no need to nerf it, Thks
Edited by Mrs xJuggsx: 4/25/2016 3:27:44 AMNah. Nerf sentrys call
I agree with you on the fact that the only thing that needs to be [i]looked[/i] at is shoulder charge. I think that even in terms of shoulder charge, the most that should be done is make it affected by the melee cooldown
Strikers are fine....Titans need more melee range in general. Then the subclass is on par.
Shoulder charge should only be available when melee is not on cool down. Balance sorted. I see no other problems with striker.
I like how you started this off with me thinking you were against more nerfs and it ended with that little comment about shoulder charge and super recharge time. Gtfo man...
Edited by Jones ~Aedpt: 4/24/2016 11:55:47 PMThe PvP community has become very unwilling to adapt to other styles of play. It's always been a common occurrence, but in year 2 some guardians have completely abandoned adaptive play and demanded nerfs whenever they get beat consistently by a weapon, class, or ability. They rock the same load outs every match, every map, every time. Maybe change a primary or heavy as the situation warrants, but no real adaptive play. Try changing your weapon, try a different style of play, change your subclass to complete, rather than complain. Best some guardians do is leave maps they don;t like or matches they are losing. I see a Titan going full bore at me while being shot at, I back away and double jump that sucker. Switch to a shotgun or sidearm and finish them off. Some Titans have mastered the shoulder charge and they can do it mid air, round corners, and with almost no sprint at all. Good for them. I won't demand a total nerf on their account. Nerfs are when there is no counter balance to an ability. Not every time you get whipped. Play on Guardians, play on.