Just for the love of God, just stop with the constant pissing and moaning. Strikers were [i]SEVERELY[/i] underpowered in year one, and now that every other super has been nerfed all the way the goddamn gallows, you're now turning your eyes to a super that doesn't need a nerf at all. The most it needs is for shoulder charge to be looked at, at best. At worst it needs to be to be tweaked so that it has a tiny bit more of a cool down. That is it.
Rant over.
Edit:: over 90 comments and we're trending. Maybe somebody will take something out of this. Probably not though.
Edit 2::: just to clarify, the reason why I'm writing this is because I've seen about 10 striker nerf posts in the past 2 days. So you don't have to ask 'why is he writing this?'
[spoiler]ive had a really shitty day with my father being in an car accident. So if I respond to your comment with a bit of asshole-ness, you know why. My nerves are split, so don't take any anger at you personally.[/spoiler]
Edit 3::: holy shit, over 600 comments. Damn.
Edit 4::: I am not asking for a nerf to strikers. It was my favorite subclass in y1. I'm making a suggestion of it ever does come to need a nerf. *shivers*
"Nerf Strikes, too difficult!" "Buff Strikes, too easy!" "Nerf Strikes, too difficult!" "Buff Strikes,too easy!" Yes, we all know of the cycle of sheer stupidity from the dip shits on this forum, no need to announce it
Edited by DehCanadianJedi: 4/25/2016 2:12:16 AMJust freaking fix shoulder charge hit detection, arc blade hit detection and for the love of the traveler fix the backstab perk, that's all we need until they look at firebolts! Edit: By firebolts, I mean the combination of touch of flame and viking funeral with them.
Shoulder charge is broken. Slide shoulder charge is -blam!-ing dumb
I think they should buff the supers
Wow to bad I've heard a grand total of, wait let me count this, I MIGHT have to use my fingers, um let's see, 1, 9 ,144, oh wait! ZERO complaints until now.
I've literally never seen a striker nerf post..
Shoulder charge does have a cooldown, you need to sprint for a few seconds before it activates.
I haven't seen any striker nerf posts.
I wish my father would get in a car accident and not walk away....
They're fine except for the awful hit detection for melees
Why there fine the way they are
How in gods green earth was striker underpowered red in year one
Buff sunbreakers then back away from the titans
Save the peregrine greaves please...
There have been calls for striker nerfs since year 1. Just for different reasons
I think if the movement speed and overall armor on the classes was actually balanced and recognizable in gunfights, I wouldn't have any issue with shoulder charge. But right now fighting other characters there's almost no difference in their movements other than laterally the styles are different, but make no real change in having to shoot them.
Not overpowered. Just annoying af lol
No. They're fine. You all need to stop witch hunting different subclasses. You are all basically children.
Hese pansies just don't understand balance. Their mentality is: "I've played games so I know how to make them." Honestly, just remove all weapons and supers and replace them with nerf guns and hugs. Then no matter what happens everyone wins an exotic at 1,000 light.
Firebolt grenades anybody? Nova bomb from across the map? Sunbreaker complete shit?
Well spoken and thank you. Hopefully your father gets better.
They should really nerf the aliku or what ever it is strike that strike turns up too much its op !nerf it!
Nerf to shoulder charge is a definite maybe. My personal beef: I'm supposed to tank and be fine for most encounters both PvE and pvp... The problem: I could play a hunter and get killed just as fast as a Titan in either mode. The super for striker feels as though it should definitely have a few buffs about it(not damage, more AoE) and his Titan as a whole needs some more DR.
I just want the last word nerfed, and I mean properly. Hip fire should do a tiny bit of bonus damage, but the gun shouldn't have a full auto ability whilst aiming down sights. Its ridiculous, it does so much damage so fast that it doesn't matter if you nerf it. It's literally a medium range auto rifle.
They should buff striker