Just for the love of God, just stop with the constant pissing and moaning. Strikers were [i]SEVERELY[/i] underpowered in year one, and now that every other super has been nerfed all the way the goddamn gallows, you're now turning your eyes to a super that doesn't need a nerf at all. The most it needs is for shoulder charge to be looked at, at best. At worst it needs to be to be tweaked so that it has a tiny bit more of a cool down. That is it.
Rant over.
Edit:: over 90 comments and we're trending. Maybe somebody will take something out of this. Probably not though.
Edit 2::: just to clarify, the reason why I'm writing this is because I've seen about 10 striker nerf posts in the past 2 days. So you don't have to ask 'why is he writing this?'
[spoiler]ive had a really shitty day with my father being in an car accident. So if I respond to your comment with a bit of asshole-ness, you know why. My nerves are split, so don't take any anger at you personally.[/spoiler]
Edit 3::: holy shit, over 600 comments. Damn.
Edit 4::: I am not asking for a nerf to strikers. It was my favorite subclass in y1. I'm making a suggestion of it ever does come to need a nerf. *shivers*
Who ever said that? If anything people want shade step nerfed lol. Literally is the opposite of the "hunters cry nerf" sterotypical insults.
Why would we nerf strikers they've been balanced since day 1
Agreed. People need to stop being cry asses.
I think shoulder charge needs a buff in PvE.
only thing it needs is maybe a fix for the shoulder charge? if im not mistaken, it sometimes duds at the very edge of its range. otherwise its pretty much perfect.
Only thing it needs is [u][i]maybe[/i][/u] a little aim assist reduction on shoulder charge. That's it.
It has to much damage resistance
I said this in another post, and ill just leave it here. When their nerfing winds tear down the mountains down to plains, and the plains into crevasses, the low hills will begin to feel the breeze. extra bit i thought up - sadly that erosion does not move that mountain to ever fill a crevasse, or create more hills - it simply disappears.
Strikers are fine except for the lack of counter-play on FoH in PvP. Don't care about the damage, radius, cast time etc etc alone I just hate not having any ability to do something about it like every other super (except Nova Bomb).
God damn shoulder charge and juggernaut are extremely powerful.
There's nothing wrong with Shoulder Charge or the subclass at all.
Please stop making this a thing. They are fine, and there were only two whiny threads about shoulder charge. You creating another one solidifies it as a trend.
I haven't seen one post about that
Lol wut, Strikers are fine and I main a Hunter.
It's a circle they just cry around and around and around and around and arou.....you get it
I think you're mistaking "fist of panic is annoying as hell" for "nerf strikers"
Problem with Strikers: With (i think Headstrong) they can run as fast as Bladedancer's, also FoH hits through walls Problems with Defenders: I can't really name one Problems with Sunbreakers: I think suncharge needs to have a penalty for missing, like a little stagger so you can't just spam it, otherwise, I think the class is fine (this goes for sunsinger also, but fusion grenades need to not have so much auto aim Problems with Voidwalker: I haven't tried it, but my friend says he's been getting life steal to trigger when he has soul rip. Problems with Sunsinger: Everything. This class has been broken since day 1. There's nothing really good about this class. Seriously, solar wind doesn't even knock people out of melee range, firebolts with Viking funeral are still ridiculous (though not as ridiculous as pre-April Update), Song of Flame reaches like 3 feet, and I can't remember the name of the perk, but really, kill with a charged melee have a [b]chance[/b] to generate orbs? Bungie, you gotta rework this class from the ground up Problems with Stormcaller: I can't think of any, but if I had to, make the increased duration version of the super (I can't remember the name) stay for a little less time Problems with Gunslinger: good class, good perks, decent super, except one thing. The super is Dogsh[i]i[/i]t in PvE, and really, kills with a THROWING KNIFE increase the duration of golden gun? I don't know about you but when I'm using golden gun, worried about duration, I'm probably not anywhere I can kill someone with a Throwing Knife. I'd fix it so that Golden gun doesn't have damage dropoff though, don't even make it easier to aim or something, just make it so you don't do 10 damage with a super at max range. Problems with Bladedancer: Probably the best [b]Class[/b] for the Hunter, but the super is still terrible. Suncharge sends you flying like 60,000 feet, but bladedancer barely has a chance to hit someone back peddling away from you. We've all seen the clips of a bladedancer charging a Warlock or Titan, and them just jumping back and up, but the Bladedancer can't hit them. Just fix the hit detection on the super and it'll probably be good again. Problem's with Nightstalker: Wombo Combo (smoke and a grenade) is annoying, but not inherently broken. What does suck is that smoke bombs still slow people for a few seconds while they're out of it. Also I agree that tethers should be used smartly instead of these people using quiver as a type of golden gun. But the fact that a Titan's grenade (suppressor) can instantly shut down a super, but the Hunter's super can't is just silly. Statswise, the Titan should be the strongest, the warlock should heal the fastest, and the Hunter should move the fastest. The Titan has the highest armor in the game and with headstrong and increased control is the fastest in the game. With increased height they can also jump the highest in the game. Warlocks have the highest recovery in the game, and can have max armor with the ram and an armor chestpiece. Hunter's can have the highest agility in the game, but even with fleetfooted and blink, Titans are still faster and can jump higher. Because f[i]u[/i]ck balance, that's why.
You are the first I've heard even say Nerf strikers.
ironic Post is ironic
Hunter here. IMO strikers are fine. I'm like you I'm tired of all the nerfs. I'm glad they buffed Titans a bit ago, I love what they did with voidwalker. I just wish they'd fix the arcblade hit detection I'm so tired of trying to kill fallen captains or other enemies and I'm constantly mashing RB only to have my hunter slash once, stop, slash again, stop etc. Very frustrating. ( I know this isn't a post about that but I just wanted to rant)
I agree with you for some parts of your post but Striker was never underpowered.
Just do what i do and play the -blam!-ing game is it that hard to enjoy a game with out -blam!-ing crying all the time if you get killed you get killed so what
The hell you mean striker was [i]underpowered[/i] in year one it wasn't as strong as bladedancer was at the time but it damn sure wasn't [i]underpowered[/i]
Edited by Savage Jarhead: 4/24/2016 8:23:37 PMI almost feel like we have been on different forums or something because I keep seeing nerf hunters and buff titans. Hell when I posted this nerf trip mines was the post directly above this one.
I'm not one of those people who get killed by something and say "DAT NEEDS A NERRRRFFFF" but I hate people who are like that.
Meh, not really. Viking funeral is the issue with warlocks. And due to the buff to radiant skin they are stronger than they ever were before.