Just for the love of God, just stop with the constant pissing and moaning. Strikers were [i]SEVERELY[/i] underpowered in year one, and now that every other super has been nerfed all the way the goddamn gallows, you're now turning your eyes to a super that doesn't need a nerf at all. The most it needs is for shoulder charge to be looked at, at best. At worst it needs to be to be tweaked so that it has a tiny bit more of a cool down. That is it.
Rant over.
Edit:: over 90 comments and we're trending. Maybe somebody will take something out of this. Probably not though.
Edit 2::: just to clarify, the reason why I'm writing this is because I've seen about 10 striker nerf posts in the past 2 days. So you don't have to ask 'why is he writing this?'
[spoiler]ive had a really shitty day with my father being in an car accident. So if I respond to your comment with a bit of asshole-ness, you know why. My nerves are split, so don't take any anger at you personally.[/spoiler]
Edit 3::: holy shit, over 600 comments. Damn.
Edit 4::: I am not asking for a nerf to strikers. It was my favorite subclass in y1. I'm making a suggestion of it ever does come to need a nerf. *shivers*
I will gleefully shoulder charge and fist of havoc any and all guardians if your a Titan running striker I expect it back if your a hunter tether me in time use your golden gun get that headshot while they run at you warlocks Nova bomb stormtrance supers can be used to stop other supers it's bot a waste if you don't give the other team the points [spoiler]my favorite is foh on the lightning rod and the 2 sometimes only 1 other person followng them lol[/spoiler]