Check out my Zen Meteor Gameplay where I activate the Dynamite with a LASER BEAM exotic perk. It's an awesome clip and it felt really cool doing this! I absolutely love this sniper! Now...GIVE US BACK GHJALLHORN! :P"
I've gotten over 500 views on this video! Thank you guys! I made a new video of me getting Phantom and Reign of Terror at level 18 on a new character. I took the advice from you guys and cut out the unnecessary footage and made this one a bit shorter! :)
I opened ~8 exotic special engrams that i had saved. NOT ONE was this new sniper(yes, i'm on ps4) How many god damned Universal Remotes? 4! I hate that gun. I don't pvp but this gun looks unreal. The fact that the 3oC drop rate was ninja nerfed again means i may have to actually play the new prison of elders or finally play KF raid to up my chances of getting this beast. Anyway, thanks for the video. Nice sniping too, you are really good bro