Titans have been the latest target of the 'nerf herders'. I've noticed it too. I mostly agree with what you said. The next part isn't direct at you OP, but the community as a whole.
First of all, if you don't play all three classes you shouldn't have an opinion on balancing. Second, if you say "Fist of Panic" instead of Fist of Havoc: you're only making yourself look childish. And third, haven't Titans been nerfed enough? First Sunbreaker, now you target Striker? Are you then going to cry nerf for defender?!
Striker doesn't need nerfed. Fist of Havoc doesn't need nerfed and Shoulder Charge doesn't need nerfed.
If only this community would stop complaining about class balancing and instead look at the real problem. Destiny PvP can [u]NEVER[/u] be balanced because [i]Bungie[/i] refuses to separate PvE from PvP. It's both a blessing and a curse to this game.
[spoiler]I hope your father gets well soon, OP.[/spoiler]
Thank you. And trust me I have some thick skin, so I can take a punch or two.
says the guy trying to insult people on the internet.
Nah it cant be balanced because it offers vastly different subclasses and abilities. Some are better for pve, some for pvp, but you just cant compare and balance them equally. Weapons can be balanced, but the subclasses cant be. Think of how boring it would be if they all functioned the same way... I prefer the rotating rocks paper scissor routine. Its good fun to switch it up. Fun, FTW!
Titans have been the lowest on the nerf list and only highest once. Shush with your lies
Nerf shoulder charge. And nerf fist of panic. And nerf your .5 kd on all three of your classes
You just had to go into his profile didn't you?
How else can a troll make personal attacks?
True, true.
Well said.
Well spoken