originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]You get three rounds through your neck, severing your aorta, and making you drown in your blood[/b]
"Where I come from your bitch ass can't grab people, sianora bitch"
[spoiler]I don't think so. ;) He's gonna live friend. You won't have to worry about killing a fellow dojo member. You're conscious shall be clean.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Maya, he's dead, he bled out[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Sadly you're mistaken. He has about thirty to a minute to live from a wound like that unless he gets help. He got help. Next time you try to kill him. Fight me first. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]he has less, since a wound like that is compounded by a punctured trachea, and you DID take more than thirty minutes I think[/spoiler]
"Hello there! I'm still alive! And if you try to actually kill me again I'll resort to some barely plausible yet still possible way to escape... Now I'm going to start avoiding you because Maya told me to... And you just attempted to kill a Dojo member..." *Disappears into the shadows.*
[b]He flips you off[/b] "Good, now get out of my sight you little bastard"
Bramd - old
*slaps you across the face hard* I know he can be an ass, but tolerate him for gods sake. -
[b]He full on punches you, a left hook that sends you reeling, despite your resilience[/b] "if you didn't see, the bastard clawed me, now I'm going to find maya and try to make amends, if your f*cking majesty will excuse me"
Bramd - old
Well... In The place where he comes from, all animals are bipedal, and you insulted him, so he had a right to do it *uppercuts your jaw wearing valhite knuckles* -
[b]He grabs the hand, his face strained, and twists yours, breaking the wrist[/b] "here it isn't, he needs to suck it up!" [b]He punches you with his right hand, and again, breaking your jaw He lets you go and walks away[/b]
Bramd - old
*shoots you in the leg* -
[b]It actually bounces off his ODST armor before he shadowcloaks, disappearing [/b]
Bramd - old