I hope to see you in game sometime I'm always looking for people to play with lol
Let try soon then (^_^) care for some crucible during the week?
Hell yes admittedly I think I'm terrible but I'll do as little dying as I can lol
I don't care if we die constantly lol ( if we do then we'll move on to pve ) I'm usually on around 11pm eastern time, we can try tonight if your up for it.
I'll be on I'm west coast so around 8 for me lol and dying is part of crucible I don't mind it I just play with people that rage about it I smile and get em back lol
Lol it's ok to rage a little , Shaxx has a tendency to poke us in the ribs when we're doing bad
I've been praised by him once couldn't believe I had a 10+ streak next game put me back to humble XD
Nice-, sorry we missed each other last night, I think it's tough with the time difference in week days may be on the weekend (^o^)/
No worries I'm on late usually