originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"You can breath ice right? You can breath ice right? Fill this bucket with ice and I can melt it with my flamethrower."
*He holds out a bucket that he didn't have before.*
"Yeah its definitely different" *she lays still as you pet her nose*
"Do you have the poisonous spikes that Serenity has?"
"I have spines on my back but im not sure if they are poisonous" "Why you ask?"
"I was interested. You don't look anything like Serenity when she was in her dragon form."
"Well not every dragon is the same" "We all vary greatly" "What difference does it make?"
"I guess it doesn't really make a difference."
"Nope not really" * leyla nudges you a little bit* "Thats what makes it so fun being different"
*Nearly falls over.* "Hey, you're a lot bigger than me..."
"Oops my bad"
"It's fine. You're still getting used to being a dragon. When I first got my ability to blend in with shadows the second it would get dark I would blend in and my parents wouldn't be able to find me. I couldn't control it then."
"Uh. Okay?" "You sure its okay" *shes looks at with you sad eyes feeling bad for almost knocking you over*
"Don't give me that sad dragon look... Really, it's fine."
"Okay " *she just looks at you*
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing just thinking
"Oh, okay," says Sketch.