Bramd - old
"I cannot say" he says. "COMPLY" Mion yells at him. He then proceeds to grow in size until he is eye to eye with Heio. "Fine" Heio says. "He isn't in a physical place, he is in his menstrual, I mean mental state. The only way to access him is death or years of meditation." Heio flies out of the room. [spoiler]I'm changing up my writing style because there are more characters than fonts[/spoiler] -
Huh. Well. I'm not dying anytime soon. Sooooooooo.... [b]The Deity draws his blade[/b] Any volunteers?
Bramd - old
You know what happens when I die... I vomit out my insides. I think I can keep em in me. Can I see that sword? Mine won't work on me. -
[b]The deity looks at you, then his blade.[/b] Ha! No. Just tell me what your plan is.
Bramd - old
I'm going to die, then find a way to get You in there too. Gonna be weird though. But... if you don't want your sword dirty... *I pull out a throwing knife. There is an engraving in it, filled with dried blood. It reads "do not forget those that hurt you* *I hand the knife to you, then pull my shirt up enough to reveal my chest. You can see many of the ribs* I'm ready. -
[b]The deity throws the knife up a little and catches it by the blade. He throws it and the blade impales you in the heart[/b] WHOO! Bullseye!!!
Bramd - old
*I make a thumbs up before collapsing on the ground* *You notice a bulge in my back pocket, a slip of paper and an envelope with something bulky in it.* -
Huh. Loot time! [b]He looks around Shadily[/b] [b]He presses A on your body. It brings up the inventory screen. He presses X to take all.[/b] [spoiler]😜[/spoiler] [spoiler]Skyrim 4 da win[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*the note reads: "Mindmaster! Screw up your friends by showing them what You See!!! Just put them on your friend, and press the button on the side, Just add fun!"* *Inside the envelope is a pair of glasses with earbuds on them* -
......huh. [b]He puts them on.[/b] I look...still really handsome. But ridiculous.
Bramd - old
*you see a dark room, a demon inside it. "you" or in this case Mortar, run up to it to try to attack it* -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/27/2016 8:07:22 PM[b]The Deity, still confused on what the hell is going on, jumps up and slits the demons throat. The massive blade should show up if he is himself... [/b]
Bramd - old
*You hit the wall, but you black out* *when you regain consciousness, you are in that dark room, with Mortar next to you* That was... weird... How did... You get here? *The demon is still there* -
You know. My mind is being fu[i]c[/i]ked more then Lisa Ann on a Friday. So I have no idea. Oh, by the way, the reason all your clothes are gone is because they burned. Like...[i]WHOOSH![/i] all gone! Must be because we're in the underworld. I put on your weird glasses though. Sneak attacked a demon. Hit a wall. Blacked out for some reason. And now I'm here. [b]He gets up[/b] Let's kill that bitch! [b]He points to the demon [/b]
Bramd - old
*The demon tries to bite at your shoulder* -
[b]He punches the demon the the face then snaps His neck [/b]
Bramd - old
*the demon recoils, but doesn't seem to be damaged* Dude! Use this! *tosses you a sword made of valhite, it is the only thing capable of destroying these tier demons. It is a black claymore with red symbols on it* -
You know, my blade could easily kill this bitch right? But if you insist... [b]He decapitates the demon using one hand on the blade[/b]
Bramd - old
*the demon's body flies away* Great, another spoil of war *picks up the head* You said my clothes burned off right? They couldn't have had because they were fused with the same material in that sword. -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/28/2016 8:06:19 PMUhhhhhhhhhhhh. No idea man.... [b]The throws you the blade and draws his own[/b] Let's just go right now! We got a spirit to kill!
Bramd - old
Okay then. *opens the door, there are multiple rooms, shadows lurking in many of them* On my day off too! -
You get day offs? Why wasn't I told about this!
Bramd - old
I don't get too many. THAT'S why I'm pissed! *Summons sword from tattoo and runs in, attacking as many shadows as possible* -
[spoiler]Oh I thought they were dead[/spoiler] [b]The deity flies in. Decapitating hundreds in only a few blows. [/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Now they are[/spoiler] *The shadows sink into the ground when destroyed.* *There are 8 walls, a door for each wall.* Damn, is this gonna be like Legend of Zelda?