Woot! 100 likes! Yall are amazing, thanks so much :D Keep it up!
Taking a break from destiny
[b]Round 1[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 2[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 3[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
My bet on next weeks bonus,
Im always willing to help people out for any PVE activities and the iron banner.
Hit me up on XB1, GT is: Evil Vaporeon.
Also, if you're like me and wanting to help people out, message me your GT and I'll put your name on here for people to message you for help.
People always willing to help
[spoiler] IxSp33dyxl [/spoiler]
Need 1 for Coe sigil completion. Msg inv gt is same as above.
326 hunter lfg to run with gt is same as above.
Need one for the 90k Coe, message for invite
Need 1 for coe. Msg for inv. Gt same as above
Need 2 for COE msg get above for inv need over 320
Need 320+ for challenge of elders. Msg PWNSTAR1979 for invite.
POE challenge, Gt is RetiringBox
Need 2 for full sigil message PsychoticJimbob
Anyone else having problems launching destiny??
Need 1 314+ msg Legit Fluxx
Need 1 msg jesterkids for invite p.s be able to dab
Need 2 for Poe grinding. Message for invite
Edited by djdasho: 5/8/2016 1:43:57 PMNeed 2 No kids 315+ 3 runs Gt same as above
Looking for two to do the challenge gotta have a mic and I'm Not looking to do a speed run so if you are , just KEEP IT PUSHING trying to get as many points as I can each round . If your down and your a adult message dr slump28 . I'm gonna do it on all 3 charicters but feel free to stay for one agein gt dr slump28
328 titan, looking to do CoE full 90k run invite Lov3xMachine i have no mic because i just got done trials and smashed it.
LFG for CoE message PsychoticJimbob
335 lock for Poe Add mrgumption
Looking for two to do the challenge gotta have a mic and I'm Not looking to do a speed run so if you are , just KEEP IT PUSHING trying to get as many points as I can each round . If your down and your a adult message dr slump28 . I'm gonna do it on all 3 charicters but feel free to stay for one agein gt dr slump28
Need two message me
Looking for two to do the challenge gotta have a mic and I'm Not looking to do a speed run so if you are , just KEEP IT PUSHING trying to get as many points as I can each round . If your down and your a adult message dr slump28 . I'm gonna do it on all 3 charicters but feel free to stay for one agein gt dr slump28
334 Titan fresh card please know what you are doing
334 Titan fresh card please know what you are doing
Need two for Coe message for invite
Invite Crumyy
334 Titan fresh card please know what you are doing