Woot! 100 likes! Yall are amazing, thanks so much :D Keep it up!
Taking a break from destiny
[b]Round 1[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 2[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 3[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
My bet on next weeks bonus,
Im always willing to help people out for any PVE activities and the iron banner.
Hit me up on XB1, GT is: Evil Vaporeon.
Also, if you're like me and wanting to help people out, message me your GT and I'll put your name on here for people to message you for help.
People always willing to help
[spoiler] IxSp33dyxl [/spoiler]
Need 2 for Coe 330 titan
Need 1 for coe. Msg for inv.
Edited by Inch44: 5/6/2016 3:33:54 PMNeed one for Coe ,message on Xbox FULL
Need two for CoE Quick run Don't suck Message xTerronga for invite
Need 2 for fresh sigil. Gt same as name
Need 2 for challenge. Add me and join
Looking do the a full sigill card Run on all 3 characters inv or message me gt same as above
Need 2 for elders msg dc mechanic
334 Hunter GT same as above (won't be speaking)
Need 1 for cumulative score coe, GT the same
Need 2 for CoE message me for inv gt same as above
Need 2 for challenge. Gt same as the above.
Hosting COE Must Be storm caller, sun breaker or bladedancer. Trying to Go for 45k+ so we can do it in two runs. GT: Razzy EU
Need one for speed run
Need 2 for challenge mode message me for a inv gt same as above
Need 2 for sigil card run... GT same as above
Need one beast player. Message Bolbotron for invite
335 Hunter looking to run for sigil card, msg in game or inv
Edited by Avenger1407: 5/6/2016 2:39:38 PMNeed 2 for a full sigil no mic required mag for inv
X1 challenge running 30k & 90k msg gt: sosuperfly1 for invite
Need 2. Gt above
I found Xur, need exotics!?!? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dgE-zB2x8JQ
Edited by xXW0LF SL4YERXx: 5/6/2016 2:35:47 PMNeed two for Coe back to back for score Msg me for Inv Gt: lI Noble lI
334 Titan LFG Gt: The Snus Fairy Invite me
Need 1 doing speed runs
Need 2 more for 3 30k rounds