Woot! 100 likes! Yall are amazing, thanks so much :D Keep it up!
Taking a break from destiny
[b]Round 1[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 2[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 3[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
My bet on next weeks bonus,
Im always willing to help people out for any PVE activities and the iron banner.
Hit me up on XB1, GT is: Evil Vaporeon.
Also, if you're like me and wanting to help people out, message me your GT and I'll put your name on here for people to message you for help.
People always willing to help
[spoiler] IxSp33dyxl [/spoiler]
329 lock looking do the whole card Inv the Gt above
Need 1 for 30k message for inv
Need 1 No kids Have mic Simonm88 for inv
Edited by o VeNoM VR46 o: 5/4/2016 7:08:19 PMNeed one for challenge fresh run message gt same as above
333 Titan defender master orb maker looking for a group for CoE Sigil. Invite bladzalot
Need two for challenge msg for inv
334 warlock looking for farming coe. Gt same as name
Need 2 for sigil
Need 1 for 30k message for inv
317 Titan LF2 for CoE
334 Titan Need 2 for full sigil run(s). We can make it quick. Send msg for INV. Gt is same.
Need one for CoE. Msg GT above. No mic required.
Hosting....gt froman5625
333 Titan looking to run the 42 a few times gt same as above
need 2 325+ for fresh sigil card run going for the highscore aswell as the cumulitive should only take about 3 to 4 runs no mic needed
Looking for 2 for COE Gt: ooYEAH TOASToo
Need one to farm we have booster GT above
Need two gt^^^
335 warlock looking for 2 to do entire sigil message for inv
Need 2 for fresh Sigil! Message GT: Bates90 for invite
Need 1 to complete fresh card. Msg gt above for invite
Need 2 for full card gt madshot17
Need one for Poe 42 We Have a lock and hunter 33+ Gt as above Pls have a mic
Need 1 for speedruns 320+ send msg 4 inv
330 titan for challenge invite throgdore1337