Woot! 100 likes! Yall are amazing, thanks so much :D Keep it up!
Taking a break from destiny
[b]Round 1[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 2[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 3[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
My bet on next weeks bonus,
Im always willing to help people out for any PVE activities and the iron banner.
Hit me up on XB1, GT is: Evil Vaporeon.
Also, if you're like me and wanting to help people out, message me your GT and I'll put your name on here for people to message you for help.
People always willing to help
[spoiler] IxSp33dyxl [/spoiler]
Need 2 people for points gt ISG METAMORPHIC
Need one. On last round. Message for inv
Just need 1 for score run. No mic needed. Message for inv GT: Bryce Starks
Need 1pl for Arena 42✌️ Dirty22st
Looking to do coe. Gt same as above for invite
314 hunter looking for 2 gt same msg 4 inv
Looking to join, gt same as above.
Need 2 for sigil CoE. no mic required. Gt as above.
334 Hunter looking to complete a fresh Elders Sigil, GT - "kcessal" (no mic)
Need 1 for lvl42 poe Message for invite
334 warlock Need 2 or invite Fresh sigil, going for score Gt same
Need one for Poe run doing high score and all. Send me a message Jemos nation
333 warlock Need 1 330+ Gt same as above
Need 2 for cumulative portion of Sigil. 2 other characters to run fresh Sigils on as well. 325+ preferred. Msg Gt same as above with class and light for inv.
Need two 325 plus for full sigil. One maybe two depending how fast we are. No mic. Message KrypticKnight13 for inv
333 titan looking to complete sigil
Need 1 more for a 90k run
LF group too join for sigil gt as above invite away guys
Need 2 coe 320+ gt me
Anybody wanna do coe. I have one spot open. Send me a xbox message
333 warlock Need 2 330+ Gt same as above
need 2. message gt above
Need 2
321 down for COE invit gt is name
Need 1 for coe 325 + light. Msg ChazzaShazza for invite
Need one for coe 2 runs