Woot! 100 likes! Yall are amazing, thanks so much :D Keep it up!
Taking a break from destiny
[b]Round 1[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 2[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Round 3[/b][spoiler][/spoiler]
My bet on next weeks bonus,
Im always willing to help people out for any PVE activities and the iron banner.
Hit me up on XB1, GT is: Evil Vaporeon.
Also, if you're like me and wanting to help people out, message me your GT and I'll put your name on here for people to message you for help.
People always willing to help
[spoiler] IxSp33dyxl [/spoiler]
Need 1 for Challenge of the Elders. MUST have mic. 330+ GT - Unt x Spongebob
Need 1 more. Gt same
hunter332 lfg
Trying to finish 90k sigil 328 warlock gt above
334 titan Doing complete sigil gt as above
need 2
Inv me looking for 90k gt alpha fr4g0ut
Looking for POE challenge grind or score! Please send invite IliopoulosXD available!
Need two more for the challenge of elders, need the sigil so other sigils only. Not sure what to expect as I haven't done it this week yet, should be fun! I won't be talking. Message for an invite. GT: Effectivezach Current light on my warlock: 334.
LFG to do 30k & 90k challenges Msg "king j terrell"
Need 2, no mic needed, message for inv
hunter332 lfg...
Inv me need 90k gt alpha Fr4g0ut
Message or inv gt RYS PHOENIX
335 Hunter Need 2 more. 330+ ONLY Message for invite: BPW Fitness
334 hunter lfg CoE. Multiple runs. Gt MadSenorCheezle.
324 Hunter looking for CoE invite no mic same gt
335 titan looking for score run no mic gt lukelammert
Need 1 message for inv
334 warlock lf sigil run. Gt above.
-looking for a PoE team -invite (Add Sins) -need points
325 looking to do Coe GT same
Titan 335. I am chill :) Need 2 for challenge of elders. Going for 30k and 90k scores so will be running it 3 times. Dont need a mic, cba to use mine. Just know that you need to use SUPER KILLS for bonus points. Send me a msg with light and class for invite. Gt: Li4moftroy
334 looking for inv gt same
Hunter 332 looking to do 2 or 3 times poe 42. Send invite Gt theabducktor
Need 2 for challenge grind have 3 characters message me gt Xb 1 l l d 0 gx