originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yes i do aren't they just so neat"she says
"But its actually pretty rare for mer or dragons to have two different eyes. So its even rarer for me caused im half and half."
"It was really uncommon back in my dimension too."
*then leyla realizes that hovark is still holding* "Can you let go dad i think im strong enough to swim." "You sure leyla?" He asks. "Yes dad im sure..." *then she notices that mark on her belly is no longer there but its strange cause there's no pain or discomfort* "What why am i unsealed?" "Im very confused"
Edited by Skatch142: 4/26/2016 4:14:00 PM*Sketch looks at Hovark.* "Please tell me she isn't going to become enraged and turn into a dragon like Serenity did."
"She probably will transform at some point but i dont think she become enraged." "Plus shes calm right now." "But here a fun fact about dragons the females are always more aggressive than the males when they transform for the first time." "Thats why most of them seclude themselves when they transform" says hovark. "I won't attack my friends says leyla" "No matter what "
"I hope you won't," Says Sketch. "We can't be too careful though. Serenity chased you, her own sister, when she transformed. I'll knock you out too if I need to and I'm afraid I still might. Hopefully you won't block the Dojo gates."
"But i am nothing like my sister" "I am calmer than her" says leyla "Well just as precaution we can always put this on her." Says hovark *he hold up a silver band that can fit around her neck thats covered in runes* "Really i have to wear that thing?"asks leyla "Yes you do " "now come here" say hovark *she swims forward and then lifts up her hair* *he put the band around her neck and it clicks locking into place securely around her neck* "There nowshe can change into a dragon with this on but will get tighter and shock you if you try to remove it or try to attack someone in any way."says hovark. "Ok"
Edited by Skatch142: 4/26/2016 9:54:47 PM"This will only be needed for the first time she turns into a dragon right?" Asks Sketch.
"Yes pretty much."says hovark "It wont break either nor can it removed from her unless i remove it.
Edited by Skatch142: 4/26/2016 10:02:12 PM"Okay, I would hate it if I had to wear that forever."
"Yeah that true" "But its better not to have a repeat"
"Wait, so she is going to have to wear it forever?"
"No she will not" "She will wearing through her first transformation as a dragon it will keep down her aggressive nature" says hovark. "Well i guess i will just have to transform then wont i" she says. *she reverts into her normal form and walks out of the pond * *she walks a good couple feet away and she starts to transform into a huge dark blue dragon that has small silver scales that dot her entire body. It makes her look like the night sky* *she walks back to them getting used to her new form she looks at the both you* "Well? "
Edited by Skatch142: 4/26/2016 11:17:33 PM*His jaw drops. He stares at her in her dragon form.*
"What" she says *she walks closer then lays down* "Well body is strange"she says "You get used to it i know its something different. But it awesome when you take to the air"says hovark *hovark walks up to leyla and places his hand on her snort* "Go explore but do not get carried away with your strength though" says hovark
*[i]Pretty dragon,[/i] are the only words he can muster.*
"Thanks " she says *as she looks at you*
*He shakes his head.* "So you can breath fire and ice right?" Asks Sketch. "I suppose you can't with the collar on though..."
"I can but not with it on" "You can come closer i wont bite"she says *as he's still in the same spot*
"Oh, okay." *He walks up, looking a little nervous.*
*she watches you approach and she can see you shaking a little bit* "I wont hurt you i promise" "I would never hurt one of my friends"
"I know." Says Sketch. "I'm just [i]uncomfortable[/i] in very close proximity to large creatures. And dragons are very large creatures."
"Oh i see" "Well that makes sense im still trying to get use to this myself" *her head is really close to you*
"is it okay if I pet your nose?" Asks Sketch, still somewhat nervous.
"Go ahead"
*He pets her on the nose.* "Well this is a first. I'm petting a dragon!"