Bramd - old
[i]well... He calls himself "Mortar" nowadays.[/i] -
"Mortar huh? There may be a Mortar here somewhere... Why are you looking for this Mortar guy?" [spoiler]When somebody is looking for someone in the Dojo, he never acts like he knows that person until he knows the searcher's intentions are good. [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[i]I am his father.[/i] -
Edited by Skatch142: 4/27/2016 9:47:28 PM"Yes, I'm aware you're his father, but you still have a reason to be looking for him. What is it?"
Bramd - old
[i]I want to talk with him. Are you going to question everything or will you let me through?[/i] -
"That depends on how questionable I think you are... You seem very questionable."
Bramd - old
Okay, I'm done here *holds finger up, then points it at you, and many shadows expel from it, grabbing you and dragging you to an unknown place in the underworld. Because you can blend in with shadows, it is harder to resist* -
*He pulls out a flashlight and disperses the shadows.* "No need for that. If you answer this riddle correctly I will let you in. If you don't answer it correctly then you can still enter but I won't make it fun." *He clears his throat.* [i]What walks on four legs, then on two legs, and then on three legs?[/i]
Bramd - old
Umm... You if you don't let me through? -
"Nope. Try again."
Bramd - old
[i]snap his neck.[/i] *Many shadows come up from the ground, ready to fight.* -
*He pulls out his flamethrower.* "ANSWER MY RIDDLE!!!"
Bramd - old
*the shadows disperse* Thank you, but I will pass. -
"Know what? I'm bored. You may enter."
Bramd - old
Thank you. *enters* -
*A rock hits you in the back of your head. When you look at Sketch he is looking off to the right and he is whistling. He has both his arms behind his back.*
Bramd - old
*You feel a burning sensation in your tail* -
"Why does my tail feel like it's burning?" *He stops and moves his tail into view.*
Bramd - old
*it has a blue fire coming off it* -
Edited by Skatch142: 4/27/2016 4:54:36 PM"Why did you do that? He threw the rock!" *He points to a bobcat sized two headed bird that is holding a rock in one of its beaks the bird points off to the left and you hear a voice in your head.* -No, he threw it.- *He's pointing to a tree. You look back at where the bird was and you see it flying away. You look at where Sketch was but he is gone. All that's left is a trail of plants engulfed in blue flames and distant screaming.*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/27/2016 6:41:28 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*a tiger sized black cat with bat wings jumps up on Mortar's father's lap.* [i]You know who did it, don't you, Heio?[/i] [b]yesssss I do. It's not good to lie, Sketch.[/b] -
*The two headed bird is circling overhead from a safe distance. You hear a voice in your head.* -How do you know his name?-
Bramd - old
[b]Shadowss have scouted here...[/b] -
-What was he lying about?-
Bramd - old
[b]Lying. Yesss... Masster does not like it when desecrated.[/b]