originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The blood-red wyvern from before lands nearby, and a man clad in ODST armor runs up to it
You hear commotion but can't make it out[/b]
*turns and see the commotion and walks closer*
".....where the hell have you been........ ......is that so? Did y- I see..... ......so why are you- wait what is that?" [b]they both turn to face you and you feel like you only heard half of a conversation[/b] "Oh, my apologies, i forgot there were a few more others around here" [b]says the man[/b]
"It fine its my fault eavesdroping when i shouldn't be" *its turns and starts walking away*
"You're welcome to stay" [b]A mind, massive, solemn, and powerful presses against yours and you hear a deep voice[/b] [i]welcome, other-of-my-flesh, how nice to have met you[/i]
"Ok well i didn't want to intrude " "Im just trying to get use to this form its very to me." *she stops walking and turns to the wyvern* "Its pleasure to meet you wyvern" "Its a first see another of my kind that isn't related to me."