Now you listen here ecosystem dude. Every habitat has shit, but my habitat (due to awesomeness) is very sanitized. Plus my shit helps things grow. Even the shittiest things about my habitat are awesome
If only your wit were as fast as your mouth and your brain as big as your ego. Any player can be taken down by someone with heavy. A new player at level 9 can destroy an alpha veteran with a well placed rocket. The stupidity and arrogance you display is astounding. I'm also guessing your one who pulls heavy the second it drops even If there's no red on radar and your team mates are close but not quite there but throw a shit fit if someone won't wait for you to run half map. Also guess your one to say you'll wreck the team as you solo the heavy to only eat a rocket and screw everyone over. No player (unless afk) is canon fodder
You just took it to a serious level. As I read this all I was saying to myself was: Please Suck, Please suck, Please Suck "Checks stats," YES I knew it. I don't really care about stats, but it's at least a decent indicator. And you sir are in Cannon Fodder Denial.
So I font have a high kd. I have godly matches and bad matches. Also only started pvp since ttk dropped since I didn't have psn. No player is canon fodder you dick. Your the worst type of player around, the one who think no one is better than them. Hoping someone you see as insignificant hands you an ass whooping, while trying for heavy just to make it sweeter when you call some bs excuse for being denied your ammo