Good Sir,
I know from the April Update that Rank 5 packages can now reward items from the current event. Bungie has made the rewards so easy this event that the [b]ONLY[/b] reason to work more than one character to Rank 5 is to earn something [b]other[/b] than what's already offered.
Please limit the Rank 5 package to only weapons/gear currently unavailable from this month's Iron Banner Event.
Otherwise I'll just have my alternate characters sit this one out. They are at a lower light level and since the rewards are based on the player's light I don't need my titan getting a 315 anything when my Warlock has/can/will get the exact same item at 335 light many times and pass them along for infusion.
Great rewards start dropping so soon (Rank 0) that next to no effort is needed on the player's part.
Personally, I feel you have ruined Iron Banner by eliminating any sense of achievement.
Sign if you agree. Discuss if you don't.
I'm not sure what you are complaining about.