Huh. Loot time! [b]He looks around Shadily[/b] [b]He presses A on your body. It brings up the inventory screen. He presses X to take all.[/b] [spoiler]😜[/spoiler] [spoiler]Skyrim 4 da win[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*the note reads: "Mindmaster! Screw up your friends by showing them what You See!!! Just put them on your friend, and press the button on the side, Just add fun!"* *Inside the envelope is a pair of glasses with earbuds on them* -
......huh. [b]He puts them on.[/b] I look...still really handsome. But ridiculous.
Bramd - old
*you see a dark room, a demon inside it. "you" or in this case Mortar, run up to it to try to attack it* -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/27/2016 8:07:22 PM[b]The Deity, still confused on what the hell is going on, jumps up and slits the demons throat. The massive blade should show up if he is himself... [/b]
Bramd - old
*You hit the wall, but you black out* *when you regain consciousness, you are in that dark room, with Mortar next to you* That was... weird... How did... You get here? *The demon is still there* -
You know. My mind is being fu[i]c[/i]ked more then Lisa Ann on a Friday. So I have no idea. Oh, by the way, the reason all your clothes are gone is because they burned. Like...[i]WHOOSH![/i] all gone! Must be because we're in the underworld. I put on your weird glasses though. Sneak attacked a demon. Hit a wall. Blacked out for some reason. And now I'm here. [b]He gets up[/b] Let's kill that bitch! [b]He points to the demon [/b]
Bramd - old
*The demon tries to bite at your shoulder* -
[b]He punches the demon the the face then snaps His neck [/b]
Bramd - old
*the demon recoils, but doesn't seem to be damaged* Dude! Use this! *tosses you a sword made of valhite, it is the only thing capable of destroying these tier demons. It is a black claymore with red symbols on it* -
You know, my blade could easily kill this bitch right? But if you insist... [b]He decapitates the demon using one hand on the blade[/b]
Bramd - old
*the demon's body flies away* Great, another spoil of war *picks up the head* You said my clothes burned off right? They couldn't have had because they were fused with the same material in that sword. -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/28/2016 8:06:19 PMUhhhhhhhhhhhh. No idea man.... [b]The throws you the blade and draws his own[/b] Let's just go right now! We got a spirit to kill!
Bramd - old
Okay then. *opens the door, there are multiple rooms, shadows lurking in many of them* On my day off too! -
You get day offs? Why wasn't I told about this!
Bramd - old
I don't get too many. THAT'S why I'm pissed! *Summons sword from tattoo and runs in, attacking as many shadows as possible* -
[spoiler]Oh I thought they were dead[/spoiler] [b]The deity flies in. Decapitating hundreds in only a few blows. [/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Now they are[/spoiler] *The shadows sink into the ground when destroyed.* *There are 8 walls, a door for each wall.* Damn, is this gonna be like Legend of Zelda? -
[b]The Deity looks around[/b] ...Okay. Now. I SHOULD be an expert at this. As I am at everything. But THIS in particular! [b]He walks through the closest door [/b]
Bramd - old
*When the door is open, you are knocked back by a wall of shadow* An expert, you say? -
Oh ha ha very funny. Did you tell that to your dead mom? [b]He puts on a pair of "deal with it" glasses and investigates each of the doors[/b]
Bramd - old
*flips you off when you aren't looking* *opens a door and sees Tubbs fighting Heio* -
Whoa! Little Grimm! Need uh...need some help with that? [spoiler]how r we doing this?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]In another post I made, he also entered the mental state... He may get lost though...[/spoiler] *Heio hisses when he sees Mortar and flies out of tubbs's reach* [i]Come on man![/i] *Tubbs runs after him* -
What? Why would I follow you? I follow no one! .....ah damnit. [b]The Deity runs after Tubbs [/b]