Bramd - old
Can you let him in? [i]Okay.[/i] *walks out, a moment later, he and Hovark come in* -
"Hi dad" she says as he walks in. "That tells my that the lake is tainted" he says.
Bramd - old
Yup. Is it okay for her to stay here a couple days till the lake is clear? I got clones draining it as we speak. [i]That sounds like...[/i] Shush Mion. -
"I dont see the harm in it" he says *hovark looks at mion* "Dad...dont" "Just what are you implying cat?" "Great here we go..*she sighs*.its fine dad he just running his mouth" "Well i dont like what he's saying about you" says hovark "Oh my god dad i said its fine" she says
Bramd - old
*Mion seems to have a giddy grin on his face* [i]Don't worry, I won't spoil Mortar's secret.[/i] Okay Mion, you can go chase some birds of something. -
*leyla looks at her dad and she can tell he getting pissed at the mion's remark before he can says something* "Dad...leave it be.."she says "But...he" "Dad if your gonna let your temper get the better of then you need to go." *she looks at him from the pool the expression on her face changing from calm to serious* "Fine" "I gotta go" he says
Bramd - old
I'm sorry if he annoyed you [i]I'm not[/i] *Mion meows in pride as he flies away* -
*he remains silent and just nods before walking back out the way he came in.* "Do worry he's fine"she says. *well that could have gone better she thinks to herself.*
Bramd - old
I guess *yup, he hates me, Mortar thinks* -
"No really he is that just how he is "she says. *god why my dad have to act like that im gonna let have him when i see him next* she thinks
Bramd - old
Well, if you're gonna stay here, the bathroom is over there *points at a women's locker room* And if you need me, just call -
"Okay thank you" *hmm i wonder what mion talking about she thinks to herself* "I will let you know if i do" she says [spoiler]omg so sorry this didnt pop in my notifications[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Got it. Also, Wit may be here so don't be surprised if you see a guy about ye high. *holds up hand to Mortar's eye level* -
"Who wit" *shes become visibly nervous* "What kind of person is this wit?"
Bramd - old
He's a friend of mine. Don't worry, he's a great guy once you get to know him. -
"Um okay" "Im just get really shy around people i dont know"
Bramd - old
He's kind of like that too. *You see the pool door open, and a guy in a bathrobe comes in* Hey Mortar, we're out of peanut butter--- Wh-who is this? *he looks at you in a weird way* -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/1/2016 4:54:25 PM"Um i.." *say something anything beside that she thinks to herself* "...." *she becomes to shy say anything* *why do i have to so shy he gonna think im rude* she thinks to herself. "......." *she become visibly more nervous by each passing second *
Bramd - old
It's okay Leyla. Wit was kinda shy too. He peed his pants when he first met me. [b]don't say that Mortar[/b] -
"Um..okay"she says shyly.
Bramd - old
*Wit looks at you nervously, then whispers in Mortar's ear* Oh, sorry. He can't have a decent conversation with women. He says that it is good to meet you, but it would probably be better if I told him in advance. Sorry Wit, she'll stay here a little until the lake is filtered. -
"Ssorry wit if the lake never got tainted i wouldn't be here" she says shyly *a guilty look appears on her for a second then she sinks lower into the pool to hide her face*
Bramd - old
[b]Great, Now I'm a jerk. Thanks a lot Mortar.[/b] Sorry Leyla! You are welcome here, he was just confused as to WHY you were here. -
*she peeks her head above the water* "what i said is true i got sick from the water in the lake" "Here something interesting to know though a mer's skin color reflects the health of water like right now for example you see how much darker the skin on my tail is. " "It wouldn't been this color in that lake earlier it would way lighter." *she holds her tail out of the water* "See?"
Bramd - old