"Pretty much and i try not to.." *she notices you staring at it* "What?
Bramd - old
Oh, nothing, it just looks simultaneously cool and painful, not to mention itchy. *scratches neck at the thought* -
"It not that itchy but painful yes
Bramd - old
That's a bit relieving I just hate the thought because you can't get under it or it'll tighten... *scratches back, because he just got back from a haircut* *Crossbow approaches* [i]Hey Mortar...[/i] *looks at you, then staggers and pulls out a crossbow* -
Bramd - old
[spoiler]One of my other characters. A skeleton wielding a crossbow.[/spoiler] [i]Yea, who are you?[/i] *looks you up and down, arrowhead following his gaze* -
"Im leyla"
Bramd - old
[i]I'm Crossbow[/i] *eases on his bow* -
"Hi" she says *she eyes his weapon nervously*
Bramd - old
[i]this a friend of yours Mortar?[/i] Yes, ease up on that thing! *Crossbow puts his bow on his back* -
*she relaxes a little after he puts away* "Im just not very big fan of crossbows " "
Bramd - old
[i]and why is that?[/i] -
"Thats a long story i rather not get in to" *shes sighs and shakes head her as she remembers what it was* "Anyway..." *she quickly changes the subject* "My name is leyla"
Bramd - old
[i]I'm Crossbow. I don't know why you're intimidated by this; it sure makes me feel safe.[/i] *Mortar looks at him and shakes his head, saying that Crossbow should stop.* -
*she sighs* "Well as being a dragon there one thing i dont like is crossbows especially since being shot with one not once twice while some sick asshat laughs at your while lying pinned to the ground by the things arrows"
Bramd - old
[i]Oh... I've never had the privilege of meeting a dragon before...[/i] -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/5/2016 11:54:22 AM"Well im half dragon technically but i still a dragon"she says "My dad is a dragon so yeah"
Bramd - old
[i]Makes sense. Did you always know you could become one someday, or... I guess I kinda lied about not meeting a dragon, Mortar can become a bahamut, a rare dragon like creature[/i] Oh, I do that just to hold my own. -
"At first i didn't think i could because of what im mixed with." "but i dont its like i could feel it you know." " I like feel it called to me deep down." "Im pretty unique myself though seeing how the other half im mixed with is mer"
Bramd - old
[i]Like, erm, instinct? Like how animals know when to breed?[/i] -
"Yeah pretty like much"
Bramd - old
[i]I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions, it's just that Mortar's an artificial Bahamut, not born one like you.[/i] -
"Your fine there's nothing wrong with being a little curious sometimes" "Is there anything else you want to know?"
Bramd - old
[i]What can you do in this form?[/i] -
"I can fly and depending on how long i hold my breath i can breathe fire or ice. Oh i also have a sharp row of poisonous spines that runs the length of my back"